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Was two hours late getting in to Chicago on a/c freight wreck and missed seeing Kuhner his sister's daughter gets married and Kuhner goes to the wedding. Will see Kuhner to morrow A M and let you know results. Have appointment with Chester Prosnauer to morrow A M and things look very promising there. Will write you to morrow. Regards to Mr. Perlmutter.

"Sure, I know," Mozart replied, "but he got set back a couple of four hundred hands last Tuesday night with Katzen and me in the game, and the way he settles up his losing is that Katzen and me should take his commissions on a couple of orders which he says he is going to get from Simon Kuhner, of Mandleberger Brothers & Co., and Chester Prosnauer, of the Arcade Mercantile Company.

"Is your name engraved on 'em?" "All right," Abe cried, jumping to his feet. "All right, Mr. Prosnauer. If you are going to make jokes with me I got nothing to say, but I give you warning that you should do absolutely nothing with them samples till I send a sheriff round for them." "Now you're making threats," said Prosnauer.

What shall I do, Gans? I am in a fine mess." "No, you ain't yet," B. Gans replied. "Prosnauer and Kuhner knows me, Potash, and I am willing, as long as I got you into this, I will get you out of it. I will go with you myself, Potash, and I think I got influence enough in the trade that I could easy get them to give you back them samples."

Abe handed him a large cigar and, lighting the mate to it, puffed away complacently. "That was a pretty good order you got it from Prosnauer which Sol Klinger tells me about," he said. Mozart nodded sadly. "Looky here, Moe," Abe went on, "how much money do you need to move you?" Mozart lifted his eyebrows and shrugged hopelessly. "More as you would lend me, Potash," he said.

"Why, this here Rabiner gets an order from Prosnauer, of the Arcade Mercantile Company, for garments what we ain't got in our line at all," Sol Klinger explained; "and Prosnauer furnishes us the sample garments, which we are to return to him just so soon as we can copy them, and then " "S'enough," Abe cried. "I heard enough, Sol. Don't rub it in." "Why, what do you mean, Abe?" Sol asked.

"Auction pinochle!" Abe interrupted, throwing up his hands. "Das fehlt nur noch!" "As I was saying, Mr. Potash," Prosnauer went on with a withering glance at Abe, "those samples are outside, and Pasinsky has asked me to ship them to Klinger & Klein, and " "Ship 'em!" Abe cried. "You shouldn't ship nothing. Them samples belongs to me." "How do I know that?" Prosnauer asked.

Prosnauer," he cried as he burst into Prosnauer's office in the cloak department, "my name is Mr. Potash, of Potash & Perlmutter, from New York. Did you seen it my salesman, Marks Pasinsky?" "Sit down, Mr. Potash," Prosnauer said, "and don't excite yourself." "I ain't exciting myself," Abe exclaimed. "I don't got to excite myself, Mr. Prosnauer.

"Sure, I know," Pasinsky agreed, "but how much did you sell Kuhner? A thousand or two thousand at the outside. With me, Mr. Potash, I wouldn't bother myself to stop off in Chicago at all if I couldn't land at least a five-thousand-dollar order from Simon Kuhner, of Mandleberger Brothers & Co., and we will say four thousand with Chester Prosnauer, of the Arcade Mercantile Company."

I am excited enough already when I think to myself that that lowlife Pasinsky takes my samples out of my store and comes here with my money and gets an order from you for four thousand dollars for Klinger & Klein." "Not so fast, Mr. Potash," Prosnauer began. "I've known Marks Pasinsky for a number of years. He and I play auction pinochle together every Saturday night when he is in Chicago, and "