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"Only one thing I beg of you, Abe, don't never put it up to me, Abe, that I was in favor of the feller from the start." "Sure not, Mawruss," Abe replied, "because you wouldn't never let me forget it. Where are you going now, Mawruss?" "I told you yesterday where I was going, Abe," Morris said impatiently. "Me and Minnie is going out to Johnsonhurst to see her cousin Moe Fixman."

Staunton his Reverence, seeing as he is a dignified clergyman, and not be meastering, meastering him, as if he were a little petty squire?" As Jeanie was now at the door, and ready to accompany Tummas, the footman said nothing till he got into the passage, when he muttered, "There are moe masters than one in this house, and I think we shall have a mistress too, an Dame Dalton carries it thus."

"To-morrow morning at nine o'clock, Abe," he said, "I would be down in your store to look over your line." "Steward," Leon Sammet cried, "never mind that steak. I would take the bloater anyhow." Abe and Moe breakfasted lightly on egg and toast, and returned to their stateroom as they passed the Battery.

At length Nantucket lightship was passed, and as the sea grew calmer two white-faced invalids, that on close scrutiny might have been recognized by their oldest friends to be Moe and Abe, tottered up the companionway and sank exhausted into the nearest deckchairs.

Jake said, "Dollar-fifty." "Two," said Moe. "One seventy-five." "Two." "Go find it and put it back." "Gimme the buck-six," grunted Moe. "Pretty cheap for a good shoe, a wheel, and a sausage." "Bring it in alone next time, and I'll slip you two-fifty. That gang you use costs, too. Now scram, Jimmy James and I got business to talk over." "He taking over?" "Don't talk stupid. I need a spotter.

And mind you, Mawruss, Moe Griesman had just bought out Sam Green's competitors, Van Buskirk & Patterson. And Max Kirschner knows all the time that the only reason that we took on Mozart Rabiner was on account of his uncle, Moe Griesman."

Moe turned in the direction indicated by Abe, and his interested manner was not unnoticed by Mrs. Potash. "How is your dear wife and daughter, Mr. Griesman?" she asked significantly. "I suppose you missed 'em a whole lot." When Moe assured her that he did she sniffed so violently that it might have been taken for a snort.

Though the night was clear, there was no moon, and therefore I could see no more than the black outline, like that of an ombre chinoise figure, signing to me with mop and moe. In a moment I was at the hall-door, candle in hand; the stranger stept in his long fingers clutched in the handle of a valise, and a bag which trailed upon the ground behind him. The light fell full upon him.

"So what's the use talking about it?" "Well, I was going to say," Abe continued, "if it was something what you might call within reason, Moe, I might advance it if " "If what?" Moe inquired. "If you would tell me the insides of just how you got it that order from Prosnauer." Mozart gave a deprecatory wave of his right hand.

Staunton his Reverence, seeing as he is a dignified clergyman, and not be meastering, meastering him, as if he were a little petty squire?" As Jeanie was now at the door, and ready to accompany Tummas, the footman said nothing till he got into the passage, when he muttered, "There are moe masters than one in this house, and I think we shall have a mistress too, an Dame Dalton carries it thus."