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The form has been systematized since Boccaccio wrote, the whole being divided into twelve Prose, alternating with as many Ecloghe, preceded by a Proemio and followed by an address Alla sampogna, both in prose. The verse is mediocre, and several of the eclogues are composed in the unattractive sestina form, while others affect the wearisome rime sdrucciole.

See Machiavelli's critique of Lionardo d'Arezzo and Messer Poggio, in the Proemio to his Florentine History. His own conception of history, as the attempt to delineate the very spirit of a nation, is highly philosophical. Accuracy, patience, love of truth, sincerity in criticism, and laborious research, have all their proper place assigned to them.

The former strove to exclude the Medici from the government. The number of the Arti varied at different times. Varchi treats of them as finally consisting of seven maggiori and fourteen minori. Proemio to Storia Fiorentina.

In his 'Proemio' to the 'Trattato del Reggimento di Firenze, Guicciardini thus describes the desideratum: 'introdurre in Firenze un governo onesto, bene ordinato, e che veramente si potesse chiamare libero, il che dalla sua prima origine insino a oggi non è mai stato cittadino alcuno che abbia saputo o potuto fare.

10: 'Proemio della Statistica, pubblicata nel 1857, dall' Eminentissimo Cardinale Milesi. 11: H.R.H. the Prince of Wales. The same motive caused him to be very fond of what the profane call "gossip."