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He reminded Cotoner of a trattoria in an alley in Rome, beyond the statue of Pasquino, before you reach the Via Governo Vecchio, a chop house of ecclesiastical quiet, run by the former cook of a cardinal. The shelves of the establishment were always covered with the headgear of the profession, priestly tiles.

In fact he declares for that Utopia of the sixteenth century the Governo Misto a political invention which fascinated the imagination of Italian statesmen much in the same way as the theory of perpetual motion attracted scientific minds in the last century. What follows is an elaborate scheme for applying the principles of the Governo Misto to the existing state of things in Florence.

"What, arrested for this murder of La Bianca?" "Impossible!" "But quite true, nevertheless. Anybody can easily assure themselves of the fact by walking as far as the Palazzo del Governo." "Leandro arrested on suspicion of murder? Well, I think the tragedy is passing into a farce." "It will be fatal to Leandro. He will die of fright, if no other evil happens to him."

Giannotti, vol. ii. p. 123. The diplomatic difficulties of a popular government, a 'governo largo, as opposed to a 'governo stretto, are set forth with great acumen by Guicciardini, Op. Ined. vol. ii. p. 84. Cf. vol. iii. p. 272. 'è la sua autorit

The ceremonies of the day were duly set forth in the Boletim Official do Governo Geral da Provincia de Angola. A military salute and peals of bells aroused us at dawn; followed a review of the troops, white and black; and a devout procession, flags flying and bands playing, paced through the chief streets to the Cathedral.

In 1482 he did not occupy his house in the Ponte quarter, perhaps because he was having it enlarged. He spent more of his time in the palace which Stefano Nardini had finished in 1475 in the Parione quarter, which is now known as the Palazzo del Governo Vecchio.

This being dispatched we fell once more debating of suche instructions given by the Counsell in England to several Governo^rs as might be converted into lawes, the last whereof was the Establishment of the price of Tobacco, namely, of the best at 3d and the second at 18d the pounde,...

Such has been the case in France; and the result justifies the Italian satire: "Un albero senza fruta Baretta senza testa Governo che non resta." Being the Historic Memoirs of Madam Campan, First Lady in Waiting to the Queen Princesse de Lamballe The Parisian Bonne Louis XVI. and Marie Antoinette Beaumarchais The Reveille Madame Adelaide as Diana The Bastille Opening of The States General

This is one of the worst circumstances against me; as it excludes the idea of the dead having been done by common malefactors for the sake of plunder." "And no marks of violence? It must have been a natural death; such things do happen. I remember hearing of a case-" "I must go, darling; I must leave you. I must hasten to the Palazzo del Governo to make my statement of what has occurred.

'Poor soul! she tried to cling round my knees wailing out the candles and prayers she had offered shrieking something about the "Governo." I helped the sons to carry her in. They were quite gentle to her. Lucy turned away her head; and they resumed their march. She governed herself with all her power; but her normal self-control was weakened, and that cry of anguish still haunted her.