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Thanking the lieutenant, we left the wardroom, as may be supposed, decorously enough; but we had no sooner got out on the dock without than Mick executed a wild caper, which made the sentry grin. "Bedad, Tom," he said, loud enough for the marine to hear, "me fayther allers s'id Oi'd be a man afore me moother; an', faith, Oi'm thet now, plaize the pigs!"

'Mutinous, obstinate dog! cried the captain. 'What ails you then? Why have you a face like an underwriter in a tempest? 'If it plaize you, zur, the prisoner answered, 'Oi do but think o' m' ould mother at Wellington, and woonder who will kape her now that Oi'm gone! 'And what is that to me? shouted the brutal seaman.

"If you plaize, sor," he said, pulling his forelock, "the docthor would loike to say yez in the sick bay." "Indeed, Macan," I cried. "Do you know what he wants me for?" "The jintleman we tuk off the wrack's rekivered his sinses, an' none ov us, sure, can under-constubble his furrin lingo barrin' yersilf, sor. So, the docther wants ye fur to say what he's jabberin' about."

I've a mortial fear o' operations iver since me owld grandmother's pig got its foreleg took off at the hip-jint." "Hold your tongue, Paddy. Now the bump lies here just under eh! why, you haven't got so much as what!" "Plaize, I think it's lost in fat, sur," remarked Briant, in a plaintive tone, as if he expected to be reprimanded for not having brought his bump of combativeness along with him.

An' don't you git pickin' the loaf wi' they mucky black fingers o' yours, Billy, my lad, or you'll suffer for it when I comes home." "Yes, plaize," gasped Billy, bravely swallowing the recurrent hiccough of grief. "An' plaize where be I to build fire?" "The fire," mused the engineer.

"Stop that blubberin', you," commanded the stoker, who possessed a delicate ear, "and make th' fire an' git th' tea ready against Alfred and me gits back. You hear me?" "Yes, plaize," whimpered Billy. "An' mind you warms up the cold bacon pie," added the stoker. "And don't you forget to knock in the top of that tin o' salmon," added the engineer, "an' set it on to stew a bit.

But still we must do our duty. And when we came to consider it, Ruth was the cleverest of us all; for she said that surely we must have some man we could trust about the farm to go on a little errand; and then I remembered that old John Fry would do anything for money." "Not for money, plaize, miss," said John Fry, taking a pull at the beer; "but for the love of your swate face."

"Plaize, yer 'onner," said he, addressing Larkyns, who was still caterer of the mess and the senior in rank of those present, as he was twanging away at his banjo with infinite zest, "the docthor sez if ye can't be aisy he axes ye to be as aisy as ye can."

Yis, we wor aboord her roight enuf; an' Oi heerd the bo'sun poipe to `make sail, an' the order guv 'way aloft, lay out on the yards an' loose tops'ls. Thin Oi thinks ez how Oi'm ashore, ez will ez aboord; an' Oi says the Active a-sailin' out o' harbour, ez nate ez ye plaize wid all her upper sails an' flyin' jib, an' fore-topmast stays'l set!"

"P'r'aps it was," said Matty; "he'd be none the worse of an O before his name anyhow. But the pottery begood with `Take her up tinderly, lift her with care, if I don't misremimber." "Will you hold your tongue!" cried the Eagle, looking up suddenly and drying her eyes. "Surely, miss," said Matty, with a toss of her head; "anything to plaize ye."