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Maybe you'd as well carry your gun at what sodgers call `the showlder, wid the muzzle pintin' at the moon so; that's it. Don't blame yoursilf, Mr Slagg. Sure, it's worse than that I was when I begood, for the nasty thing I carried wint off somehow of its own accord, an' I shot me mother's finest pig wan barrel into the tail, an' the other into the hid.

The poor girl spoke with deep pathos as she mentioned Nelly's name, while Larry O'Neil sat with his hands clasped, gazing at her with an expression of the deepest commiseration. "We got pretty well on at first," she continued, after a pause, "because our waggon was lighter than most o' the others; but it was near winter before we got to the mountains, an' then our troubles begood.

You han't forgot the grog, I hope, steward?" "No fear of him: he's a good feller, is the steward, when he's asleep partiklerly. The grog's here all right." "Dinna let Dumsby git baud o't, then," cried Watt. "What! hae ye begood a'ready? Patience, man, patience. Is there ony saut?" "Lots of it, darlin', in the say. Sure this shape must have lost his tail somehow.

"I begood in joke; but faix they took me up in arnest, an' run up the price to twinty dollars four pounds, as sure as me name's Larry before I know'd where I wos. I belave I could ha' got forty for it, but I hadn't the heart to ax more, for it wasn't worth a brass button." "You've made a most successful beginning, Larry. Have you any more knives like that one?" "Sorrow a wan more's the pity.

"P'r'aps it was," said Matty; "he'd be none the worse of an O before his name anyhow. But the pottery begood with `Take her up tinderly, lift her with care, if I don't misremimber." "Will you hold your tongue!" cried the Eagle, looking up suddenly and drying her eyes. "Surely, miss," said Matty, with a toss of her head; "anything to plaize ye."

Hasn't our frindship only just begood, an' isn't it goin' to be cut short all of a suddint, niver more to be renewed?" In pathetic tones, and with many Hibernian comments, the poor man communicated the news brought by the telegram.

You han't forgot the grog, I hope, steward?" "No fear of him: he's a good feller, is the steward, when he's asleep partiklerly. The grog's here all right." "Dinna let Dumsby git haud o't, then," cried Watt. "What! hae ye begood a'ready? Patience, man, patience. Is there ony saut?" "Lots of it, darlin', in the say. Sure this shape must have lost his tail somehow.

"Man, we've just begood." As secretly as they had entered it, they left the Den, and anon three figures were standing in a dark trance, cynically watching the revellers in the square. "If they just kent!" muttered the smallest, who was wearing his jacket outside in to escape observation. "But they little ken!" said Gav Dishart.