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"Then it has been as you said: Plummer was killed by the Sioux. But surely you noticed the direction they took?" "I did that same, and was following their trail whin I cotched sight of yersilf among the trees, and coom nigh shooting ye before asking for an inthrodooction." "Then they have passed nigh this spot?" asked the startled son. Tim partly turned and pointed behind him.

And now," continued Martin, climbing into his hammock again and addressing the hermit, "since you won't allow me to go out a-hunting to-day, I would like very much if you would tell me something more about this strange country." "An' may be," suggested Barney, modestly, "ye won't object to tell us something about yersilf how you came for to live in this quare, solitary kind of a way."

Ye know how to run a shanty an' a pig-pen, but what do ye know about keepin' a hotel?" "Bedad, if that's where ye are, what do ye know about kapin' a hotel yersilf? Ye'll see the time, Jim, when ye'll be sorry ye turned the cold shoolder to the honest tongue of Mike Conlin." "Well, Mike, ye understand a pig-pen better nor I do.

Arter Oi saved ye from bein' shot full av lead fer foolin' round Bill Curran's woife Oi thought ye'd know betther than to iver monkey wid a female again." "Ben he no monkey. White man him gal crazy." "But ye're afther hilpin' him, ye lunatick, an' it's a schrape ye'll foind yersilf in. Oi've known ye tin year now.

An' if you want to tell the court me name ye can plaze yersilf, fer it's little I think av a man that'll sit in me house by the hour forninst mesilf an' me husband there, and then let on before the court that he doesn't know the name av me." "Why, my dear Madam," said the lawyer soothingly, "it is a mere matter of form that you should tell the court your name." "A matter o' form, is it?

"Arrah now, it's yersilf is the vilyan! Ye ought to be proud to be kidnapped by Miss Patty, and Misther Bill! Get down here, ye gossoon, an' behave like a dacint woman!" Susan's authoritative voice, and Farnsworth's apparent readiness to assist her, if she delayed, persuaded Mrs. O'Brien to leave the car. She went into the kitchen with Susan, and Patty turned a beaming face to Bill.

"Well, you are a great girl; run in the house, and lay off your things, while I speak to your mother." Marjorie danced into the house, flung her coat and gloves on the hall rack, and still holding her kitten, went on through to the kitchen, in search of Eliza the cook. "The saints presarve us!" cried Eliza. "An' is it yersilf, Miss Midget! Why, ye're as big as a tellygraft pole, so ye are!"

Musha, but ye had better git some wan to look after ye, Bryan boy. Take care now; go softly and kape yer eyes open, for fear ye lose yersilf!"

And now," continued Martin, climbing into his hammock again and addressing the hermit, "since you won't allow me to go out a-hunting to-day, I would like very much if you would tell me something more about this strange country." "An' may be," suggested Barney, modestly, "ye won't object to tell us something about yersilf, how you came for to live in this quare, solitary kind of a way."

Simultaneously heavy feet were to be heard clumping up the basement steps; and surmising that the janitor was coming to light the hall, the young man waited, leaning over the balusters. His guess proving correct, he called down: "O'Hagan? Is that you?" "Th' saints presarve us! But 'twas yersilf gave me th' sthart, Misther Maitland, sor!"