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He also discovered shortly afterwards that smoke is not a bad remedy, in connection with patience. "What are we to have for breakfast, Barney!" inquired Martin as he rose and yawned and stretched his limbs. "Help yersilf to what ye plase," said Barney, with a polite bow, waving his hand round him, as if the forest were his private property and Martin Rattler his honoured guest.

"Very good, plaze yersilf, Ally Babby," said Ted, resignedly plunging his arms into the cistern; "only remimber, I give ye fair warnin', av the spalpeens attempts to take me prisoner, I'll let fly into their breadbaskets right an' left, an' clear out into the street, naked or clothed, no matter which, for I've said it wance, an' I means to stick to it, they'll niver take Ted Flaggan alive."

"Ye are quick on yer faat and very good at dodgin', but it is an obligation ye owe to yersilf and to America to show whither thim foin purty hands can hit " Rap, whack, spat! The Shawanoe smote one cheek of Terry, then the other, and then his mouth, the blows being so quick that they seemed to be simultaneous.

As fer you, Masther John, 'tis yersilf has a voice like young thunder!" She unlocked the door and threw it wide open; Angel and The Seraph crowded in after her. Mary Ellen's sleeves were rolled above her elbows, her red face was covered with little beads of perspiration, and she wore large goloshes. A savour of soap suds, mops, and the corners of old pantries, emanated from her.

"'Tis civilization that ye need, an' 'tis civilization that we're bringin' to ye, an' 'tis civilization that ye've got to take whether ye like ut or not. Look at the Seer, now! Wan gintleman wid brains an' education like him is wort' more to this counthry than all the hell-roarin' savages like yersilf between the Coast an' Oklahoma, which is not so much better than it was.

"Why, Tim, I can't tell you how glad I am to see you," exclaimed the delighted Warren: "I have thought a score of times, when on the way, how pleasant it would be to meet you. What brought you here?" "My horse, and I presume that yours did the same for yersilf." "Where is he?" "Outside, near by, wid the bist shelter I could give him: I didn't saa your own."

Thin Miller will lock up, and give yersilf the keys." Patty knew these matters had all been arranged by her parents, but it pleased her to assume an authority. "Very well, Susan," she said. "And where are you all going?" "Jane, she's going to take another place, Miss; but I'm going to me sister's for a time. It's a rest I'm nadin'." Patty looked kindly at the cook.

"Faith, Tom, me bhoy," he would say to me, "Oi can't say howivver ye can go fur to do it, sure, a gossoon loike yersilf who's got a carrackter fur to loose; aye, an' fur sich a dirthy, nasty thing as thit, a- spillin' the tasthe ov good ghrub, so thit ye can't tell whither ye're aitin' spuds or pay doo.

Byrne, niver marry a man older than yersilf." "Thank yuh," Mrs. Byrne replied with hoarse sarcasm. "I'm not likely to, at my age." She added, consolingly: "Cregan's young fer his years. Drivin' a Fift' Avenah bus is fine, preservin', outdoor work." "It is that!" And Mrs. Cregan's tone remarked that the fact was the more to be deplored. "He'll be crankier an' crabbeder the older he grows."

In a breath both Mulloy and Gallup demanded to know why. "Parlor coaches are made for aristocrats," explained Greg. "I'm one of the masses. I'm democratic. I ride with common people in the common coaches." "Begorra, ye'll roide in this car av we have to kidnap yez!" shouted Mulloy. "Av you're too close-fisted to buy a sate yersilf, Oi'll pay for it!" This touched Carker's pride.