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These were the words on which her eyes rested: "DEAR OLD KITTERKINS: I have got into the greatest bother of a mess that ever assailed a poor gossoon, and if you can't help me, old girleen, well, I shall be done brown, as the saying is. The whole matter concerns Paddy Wheel-about. The poor creature has been getting queerer and queerer lately, and father has been ever so much worried about him.

"Oh, me mother, me mother!" cried Nora; then she dropped the baby in the soft grass, and flew like a pigeon up the hill and into her mother's arms. The gossoon was equal to emergencies; he put down his heavier burden of goods and picked up the baby, lest it might run back to America.

"Goodness only knows," said Mr Meldrum; "there came a tremendous crash amidships soon after midnight, and away it went!" "Ah that was whin that gossoon Adams had howlt of the helm.

'Oh, says th' Cap, 'ye're th' American gazabo that owns this hut, he says. 'I am, says Willum. 'I can't go, says th' Cap. 'Ye didn't ask me here an' ye can't sind me away, he says. 'Gossoon, another shell iv malt, an' dhraw it more slow, he says. 'I am an English gintleman an' I know me rights, he says. 'Dure or window, says Willum. 'Take ye'er choice, he says.

You see I’m pretty busy myself during the daytimeat my business.” Her voice grew a little important on that last phrase. “Granny! Granny!” she called. Granny Flynn appeared in the doorway. Her eyes grew soft with pity when they fell on the little lame boy. “The poor little gossoon!” she murmured.

But, by my sowl, it wasn't the same way with the man an' the woman in the house for divil a wink iv sleep, good or bad, could they get at all, wid the fright iv the sperit, as they supposed; an' with the first light they sint a little gossoon, as fast as he could wag, straight off, like a shot, to the priest, an' to desire him, for the love o' God, to come to them an the minute, an' to bring, if it was plasin' to his raverence, all the little things he had for sayin' mass, an' savin' sowls, an' banishin' sperits, an' freakenin' the divil, an' the likes iv that.

"I dares be bound, Meester Pepper, that you 'members vell ven Harry Cook, the great highvayman, poor fellow! he's gone vhere ve must all go, brought you, then quite a gossoon, for the first time to the little back parlour at the Cock and Hen, Dewereux Court?" Ned nodded assent. "And you 'members as how I met Harry and you there, and I vas all afeard at you, 'cause vy?

The next morning, as these two youths were setting potatoes for the family, and considering to what they should turn their hands when the potatoes were all set, they were interrupted by a little gossoon, who came running up as hard as he could, crying, "Murder! murder! Simon O'Dougherty wants you.

Phelim Burke, otherwise l'Abbe de St. Eudoce, stood near her. He was a thin, yellow, and freckled youth, with sandy hair and typical Irish features, but without their drollery, and his face was what might have been expected in a half-starved, half-clad gossoon in a cabin, rather than surmounting a silken soutane in a Parisian salon; but he had a pleasant smile when kindly addressed by his friends.

One morning, when Harry Ormond was out shooting, and King Corny, who had recovered tolerably from the gout, was reinstated in his arm-chair in the parlour, listening to Father Jos reading "The Dublin Evening Post," a gossoon, one of the runners of the castle, opened the door, and putting in his curly red head and bare feet, announced, in all haste, that he "just seen Sir Ulick O'Shane in the boat, crossing the lake for the Black Islands."