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"Did you see zat? Id is ze creeket! 'e caught 'im out," he bellowed in stentorian tones which rang out far across the marsh. "Bollyooly has made 'im zlim! She has made 'im roon! She has made 'im peenk! She has taught 'im ze creeket! She shall rewarded be! I will gonfer on 'er ze Order of Chastity of Lippe-Schweidnitz of ze zecond class!"

So Joyce, relieved for the present, turned eagerly again to Marie. "How about Lucy? Will Mrs. Myron give her the blue ribbon?" "She ask eef peenk would not do, and I say, talk wiz Lucie, and she do. Zat is ze way, of course. When one does say what one need we will say, 'try zo-and-zo, and in time efery body will be serve, and eferybody happy." "How quick you are to catch the idea, Marie!

The amazed Pollyooly flushed; and her eyes shone like bright stars; the family of Lippe-Schweidnitz rose a thousand feet in her estimation. "Oh! Thank you, your Highness!" she gasped. "Zere is no zanks nod none! You haf made Adalbert peenk. You are von sblendid anchel child. And id iz me to zank you," said the grand duke; and very gently, for the size of his fingers, he patted her head.

"He is rooning mooch faster zan he vas could." "Id's zat leedle she-devil-child! She make 'im roon and roon all ze day!" cried the baron. "Ach, zo?" said the grand duke. "Alzo he is peenk guite peenk." The satisfaction in his tone had increased. He could hardly be called a fond parent, in the matter of Adalbert; he might more truly be said to bear with him.

Like the well-mannered child she was, Pollyooly dropped a curtsey. The grand duke seized her hand, and shook it warmly, and cried: "Mein Gott! if you were zeven five years elder, I would keess you! Bud id is far to sdoop. You haf done great good to my zon, ze Prince Adalbert. You haf made him peenk guite peenk; and you haf taught him ze creeket. Id iz sblendid; and you moost rewarded be.