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"Maybe you'd like my apology in writin'?" says I. "Just point out a real dusty spot on the floor, and I'll grovel in it. But remember, Son, all we laid out to do, in our humble way, was to give you a boost. So don't be too hard on us." He smiles patronizin' at that. "No offense intended, I'm suah," says he. "I merely wished to make clear my own position in this ridiculous affair.

This feller at Cincinnati has got just as much right to print notes as they have in Richmond." "He prints 'em on better paper, his pictures are better, and he sells his notes much cheaper, and I don't see why I shouldn't buy o' him rather than o' them. I believe in patronizin' home industry."

Or his voice kinder soothin' and patronizin' tellin' the female dove to go out and shirk round on the water and see if it wuz safe for the males in the party to go out. Oh, how nateral that would sound to wimmen, soundin' out through the centuries. And on and on down the long years, Job's voice complainin' of the bitter comfort of his friend's familiar talk.

"Oh!" says Woodie, screwin' up one corner of his mouth and tippin' me the wink. I knew if I got a look at Vee I'd have to haw-haw; so I backs around with one hand behind me and we swaps a finger squeeze. Then Aunty jumps in with the quick shift. She asks him patronizin' if he finds the grocery business int'restin'. He admits that he does. "How odd!" says Aunty.

Why, he's inside there." Bud looked surprised and somewhat incredulous. "What the devil's he doin' in that greaser eatin'-house?" The stranger squinted one eye as the cigarette smoke curled up into his face. "Oh, he ain't patronizin' the joint," he explained with a touch of dry amusement. "He's after old José Maria for sellin' licker, I reckon.

I hurn it wuz the bargain she wuz to have two dollars a week and Jabez'es board. That showed me what he wuz, a young man twenty-five years old hangin' on to his mother's apron strings to support him, or ruther hangin' onto her hard workin' fingers, she wuz a good housekeeper. But from the first he singled out Rosy as the object of his special patronizin' affection.

But his principal business seemed to be a-praisin' up Chicago, and a-puffin' up the World's Fair. Good land! Columbus didn't need none of his patronizin' and puffin' up, and Chicago didn't, not by his tell. Josiah wuz dretful impressed by him. We didn't lead off to the Fair ground the next day after our arrival.

There wuz a group of titled people that had been pinted out to us, and their eyes wuz glued on them, and they seemed to be kinder followin' 'em round. They gin Miss Meechim a cool, patronizin' nod as they went by, and she gurgled and overflowed with joy over it. She said they wuz the Mudd-Weakdews, of Sacramento, Rev.

He offerin' to see her home after the illumination. I knowed he wuz to be trusted, and they went off, Blandina lookin' up happy and adorin', he happy, patronizin' and lookin' down. Both on 'em contented creeters. He leadin' her a willin' victim to where the biggest named articles wuz and explainin' 'em to her in words more'n two inches long, I'll bet, but if anybody is happy that's enough.

And Josiah, feelin' dretful good-natered and kinder patronizin' towards wimmen, and thinkin' that he wuz a-goin' to be strengthened in his talk by what the man wuz a-sayin', sez to me in a dretful, overbearin', patronizin' way, and some with the air as if he owned a few of the ostriches, and me, too, he kinder stood up straight and crooked his forefinger and bagoned to me.