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He had so often heard her highly spoken of that he had formed a high idea of her, but one which was, however, far below the reality; he understood now that it was an honor to be acquainted with her. He wheedled her with German grace, and with a German-Jewish accent, which reminds one of the itinerant merchants, who offer you with persistence "a goot pargain."

He had so often heard her highly spoken of that he had formed a high idea of her, but one which was, however, far below the reality; he understood now that it was an honor to be acquainted with her. He wheedled her with German grace, and with a German-Jewish accent, which reminds one of the itinerant merchants, who offer you with persistence "a goot pargain."

Follock and myself, Dutch scalps in the pargain; which makes it so much the more necessary for every man to be on his guart, and to stant up to his work, when it may come, as the pull-tog stants up to the ox.

Come again with me to write blays. We will both great fortunes make. 'Shake hands on that, said Paul vehemently; and Darco shook hands with phlegm. 'It is a pargain, he said. 'See me in five hours' time Hotel Meurice, Rue de Rivoli I will write it for you. And now I must go apout my work. I am encaged in ten minutes.

He had so often heard her highly spoken of that he had formed a high idea of her, but one which was, however, far below the reality; he understood now that it was an honor to be acquainted with her. He wheedled her with German grace, and with a German-Jewish accent, which reminds one of the itinerant merchants, who offer you with persistence "a goot pargain."

If not, should I have given her twenty thousand francs?" "Ver' goot, it is a pargain. Till dis efening." The Baron repeated the bridal toilet he had already once achieved; but this time, being certain of success, he took a double dose of pillules. At nine o'clock he found the dreadful woman at the appointed spot, and took her into his carriage. "Vere to?" said the Baron. "Where?" echoed Asie.

He could be princely with it all in his own way. 'You haf learned your pusiness, young Armstrong, he said to Paul when the rush was over. 'I gan deach anypoty his pusiness if he is not a vool. I am Cheorge Dargo. You haf done your work gabidally, and you are vorth fife dimes vot I am baying you. But I alvays like the shady site of a pargain, and I shall only gif you four dimes.