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"What be a pocket-book, then, Master Lake?" said he, grinning, as if at his own ignorance. "Thee's eerd of a pocket-book before now, thee vool, sure-ly!" said the impatient windmiller. "I'se eerd of a pocket of hops, Master Lake," said George, after an irritating pause, during which he still smiled, and scratched his poll as if to stimulate recollection.

All the head that I saw the monster possessed of was one of those Hessian canteens which resemble a large snuff-box with a hole in the middle of the lid. "I zay," said he, "you mos pe dronk as de pig, vor zit dare and not zee me zit ere; and I zay, doo, you mos pe pigger vool as de goose, vor to dispelief vat iz print in de print. 'Tiz de troof -dat it iz eberry vord ob it."

Turning with a sudden motion to the stranger, she fixed her piercing eyes upon him and exclaimed, "You zay you know ze parenz of zis chil'?" "I do." "You lie!" "How, then, did I know that you had stolen her?" "You guezz zat! Any vool gan guezz zat! I zdole 'er, but who I zdole 'er vrom, you do not know any more zan you know why ze frogs zdop zinging when ze light zhines." "Ah!

"A can keep things in my yead," said George, "better than most folks can keep a book; I knows what I has, and what other folks can't get at. I knows how I put un in. First, the five-pound bill" "They must have stared to see you bring five pound in a lump, George, my dear!" said the hunchback. "Was it wise, do you think?" "Gearge bean't such a vool as a looks," replied the miller's man.

Indeed, it really is difficult to realize that any one who is lavish of willingness by word can wilfully and culpably fail in deed. "I be a uncommon vool, maester, sartinly," blubbered George on one occasion when the miller was on the point of turning him off, as a preliminary step on the road to the "gallus," which Master Lake expressed his belief that he was "sartin sure to come to."

"Mein Gott, den, vat a vool you bees for dat!" replied one of the most remarkable voices I ever heard.

"Dondt you vool von minute mit dod Edelheim. I dells you vot I do. I harf choost a blace vacant down in Zender Streed, and your frient he shall it haf." So they chatted till all the details had been arranged. Dennis was to go in as caretaker, bound to use only Bohlmann's beer, with a percentage on that, and the profits on all else.

"Looks like dey know so soon you ride away, und dey cooms cheeky as you pleece, und eats der grass und crawls under der fence and leafs der vool sthicking by der vires. I goes out mit a club, py cosh, und der sheeps chust looks und valks by some better place alreatty, und I throw rocks and yells till mine neck iss sore.

And a poor gawney like I doesn't know's letters." "I can read a bit, Gearge," said Abel, with pride; "but I've been at home a goodish while; but mother says she'll send I to school again in spring, if the little un gets on well and walks." "I wish I could read," said George, mournfully; "but time's past for me to go to school, Abel; and who'd teach a great lummakin vool like I his letters?"

Just before Master Lake had got beyond earshot, George lowered the broom, and began to scratch his head once more. "I be a proper vool, sartinly," said he; and when the miller heard this, he turned back. "Mother allus said I'd no more sense in my yead than a dumbledore," George candidly confessed. And by a dumbledore he meant a humble-bee. "It do take me such a time to mind any thing, sir."