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I sent them in search of the shell, and they returned bringing me some living specimens of different shells, chiefly littorina and cerithium. Cerithium palustre. Of the latter the specimens brought to me were dwarfed and solid, exhibiting in this particular the usual peculiarities that distinguish shells inhabiting a rocky locality from their congeners in a sandy bottom.

The sanitary action of the forest has been lately matter of much attention in Italy. See Rendiconti del Congresso Medico del 1869 a Firenze, and especially the important observations of Selmi, Il Miasma Palustre, Padua, 1870, pp. 100 et seq.

The cortical part of the root, dried and rolled up into quills, is sometimes brought to us. This is of a white colour, a weak, not very agreeable smell; and a durable bitter, lightly pungent taste. It is recommended as an alexipharmic. EQUISETUM palustre. HORSE-TAIL. The Herb. It is said to be a very strong astringent: it has indeed a manifest astringency, but in a very low degree.

The extent of the injurious influence of this very lucrative branch of rural industry in Italy is contested by the rice-growers. But see Secondo Laura, Le Risaje, Torino, 1869; Selmi, Il Miasma Palustre, p. 89; and especially Carlo Livi, Della coltivazione del Riso in Italia, in the Nuova Antologia for July, 1871, p. 599 et seqq.

But it does not appear that the antisiphylitic powers of Lobelia have been confirmed by any instances of European practice. Woodville's Med. Bot. p. 251. LYTHRUM Salicaria. WILLOW HERB. The Herb. D. This is used internally in dropsies, obstinate gleets, and leucorrhoea. Similar Plants. Epilobium palustre; Epilob. angustifolium; Epilob. hirsutum. MALVA sylvestris. COMMON MALLOW. Herb.

From what we observed and heard we were very much inclined to be of their opinion. Cerithium Palustre is the scientific name of the shell in question; but I cannot pretend to decide the point. Shortly after this we reached Trincomalee. Few harbours in the world possess more beauty or are more perfect in their way than that of Trincomalee.

COW-PARSLEY. The umbels produce a yellow colour, and the juice of the other parts of the plant a beautiful green. CARTHAMUS tinctorius. SAFFLOWER. The radius of the corolla, prepared with an acid, affords a fine rose-coloured tint. CENTAUREA Cyanus. BLUE-BOTTLE. The juice of the corolla gives out a fine blue colour. COMARUM palustre. MARSH-CINQUEFOIL. The dried root forms a red pigment.

Our only luxury now was a little salt which had long been our substitute both for bread and vegetables. Since our departure from Point Lake we had boiled the Indian tea plant Ledum palustre which provided a beverage in smell much resembling rhubarb, notwithstanding which we found it refreshing and were gratified to see this plant flourishing abundantly on the sea shore though of dwarfish growth.

L. latifolium angustifolia has narrower leaves than those of the species, while L. latifolium intermedium is of neat growth and bears pretty, showy flowers. L. PALUSTRE. Marsh Ledum. This is a common European species, growing from 2 feet to 3 feet high, with much smaller leaves than the former, and small pinky-white flowers produced in summer. It is an interesting and pretty plant.

Solmi states in his Miasma Palustre, p. 115, that the linden reaches a diameter of sixteen inches in the same period. The growth of foreign trees is sometimes extremely luxuriant in Italy. In the oldest brick constructions of Rome the bricks are very thin, very thoroughly burnt, and laid with a thick stratum of mortar between the courses.