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It consists of a solution of carmine in ammonia, with an addition of a certain amount of alcohol. Rouge de Dorin. Extract des Fleurs des Indes. A round pot containing a porcelain disk, covered with about 6 grammes of a bright red paste, which is a mixture of carthamin or safflower with talc.

Her loveliness exalted the beauties of earth's four quarters and she broke men's hearts by the significance of her semblance; for she was even as saith one of the poets in these lines: In vest of saffron pale and safflower red * Musk'd, sandal'd ambergris'd, she came to front: "Rise!" cried her youth, "go forth and show thyself!" * "Sit!" said her hips, "we cannot bear the brunt!"

He did so and followed until she stood before the greengrocer's, of whom she bought pickled safflower and olives, in brine and in oil; with tarragon and cream cheese and hard Syrian cheese; and she stowed them away in the crate saying to the Porter, "Take up thy basket and follow me."

And when she had ended her verses, she again told the King her sad tale and shed plenteous tears and recited these couplets bearing on her case, That these mine eyelids rain fast dropping gouts of blood? * That now my cheek grows gold where rose and lily were? As though the safflower hue, that overspread my cheeks, * Were Joseph's coat made stain of lying blood to wear."

Yea, for the safflower hue, that thence o'erspread my cheeks, they seem The shirt of Joseph, steeped in blood, to make a lying show.

How many goodly wights have slept the night, enjoying * Buttocks of boys, and woke at morn in foulest mess Their garments stained by safflower, which is yellow merde; * Their shame proclaiming, showing colour of distress. Who can deny the charge, when so bewrayed are they * That e'en by day light shows the dung upon their dress?

It is bought, like all similar articles, by the eye, and about seventy pounds are to be had for a dollar. The Wars or Safflower is cultivated in considerable quantities around the city: an abundance is grown in the lands of the Gallas. It is sown when the heavy rains have ceased, and is gathered about two months afterwards.

Then she went on to a greengrocer's, of whom she bought pickled safflower and olives, in brine and fresh, and tarragon and juncates and Syrian cheese and put them all into the basket and said to the porter, 'Take up thy basket and follow me. So he shouldered his load and followed her till she came to a tall handsome house, with a spacious court before it and a two-leaved door of ebony, inlaid with plates of glittering gold.

Safflower: This vegetable dyeing material, for producing pink colours on cotton without the aid of a mordant, consists of the petals of the flower of carthamus tinctorius. The residue after washing free from acid is treated with a dilute solution of soda crystals, and the liquid is then precipitated by an acid.

CARTHAMUS tinctorius. SAFFLOWER. The Seeds. These have been celebrated as a cathartic: they operate very slowly, and for the most part disorder the bowels, especially when given in substance; triturated with aromatic distilled waters, they form an emulsion less offensive, yet inferior in efficacy to more common purgatives. CENTAUREA Cyanus. BLUE-BOTTLE. The Flowers.