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[Footnote 75: "Mais lorsque, malgré le dégoût de la chaîne domestique, nous voyons naître entre les males et les femelles ces sentiments que la nature a partout fondés sur un libre choix: lorsque l'amour a commencé a unir ces couples captifs, alors leur esclavage, devenu pour eux aussi doux que la douce liberté, leur fait oublier peu

"Pauvre fille!" said the mother, returning her embrace mournfully, "you will wander away from the church, our holy church. It would not have been thus, had we remained in sunny Picardy. Eh! oublier je ne puis." "What is it, chère mère", said Adèle, "that you cannot forget? There is something I have long wished to know. What was there, before you came here to live?

Horace Wigan, too, spoke; and Lord Granville, 'whose fluent command of extempore French excited general admiration, gave 'The Health of the Chairman, and, with a neat reference to the 'Letters from High Latitudes, then 14, not 41 years old, said: 'L'accueil que vous avez donne a son discours doit rassurer Lord Dufferin et lui faire meme oublier les succes oratoires que Latiniste incomparable, et voue au purisme Ciceronien il a obtenus dans les regions plus septentrionales. To this chaff Lord Dufferin replied in English: 'Lord Granville has been good enough to allude to what he is pleased to describe as an oratorical triumph in a distant country; and I would venture to remind you and you may take the word of an experienced person in confirmation of what I am about to say that when anybody wishes to make a speech in a foreign language, he will find it much more easy to do so after dinner than at an early hour in the morning.

"Tout voir, tout entendre, tout oublier," whispered Lady Katrine to Mr. Churchill, as she stooped to assist him in the search for a music-book "Tout voir, tout entendre, tout oublier, should be the motto adopted by all married people."

And her last thought was an attempt to ruin Ivan and his brother by leaving orders to have everything sold at a wretched price, and to set fire to other parts of the property. His comment on his dead mother was "Enfin, il faut oublier." It is significant that Turgenev has nowhere in all his novels portrayed a mother who combined intelligence with goodness.

Il veut être libre pour peindre, libre même pour oublier la peinture, libre encore, libre davantage pour n'être ni questionné ni consulté, pour ne devenir ni un expert, ni un éducateur de sots. Et voil

On a donne a chaque particulier des etoffes pour l'habiller, des grains pour se nourrir pendant l'espace d'une annee, des ustensiles pour le menage et d'autres choses necessaires: et outre cela plusieurs onces d'argent, pour se pourvoir de ce qu'on aurait pu oublier.

Ah! who does not remember, with a shudder, the despairing thoughts, choking tears, and days of silent misery that clouded his own boyhood, and perhaps even some days of his early manhood? Oublier je ne puis. Poor lady! she had been homesick twenty years. On the afternoon following the conversation recorded in the last chapter, Mrs. Dubois was ready to unfold to Adèle the story of her past life.

As I clambered in and turned to wave a farewell, Madame and Jeanne stood on the doorstep to wish me bon voyage. "J'espère que vous tuerez plusieurs Allemands," cried Madame in a quavering voice. "Veuillez ne pas oublier, M'sieu'," cried Jeanne wistfully. I waved my hand, and had soon left rue Robert le Frisson far behind me.

To this I should answer, without being the least ashamed, but en badinant: O je ne vous dirai tas qui c'est; c'est un petit ami que je tiens incognito, qui a son merite, et qui, a force d'etre connu, fait oublier sa figure.