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A map lay stretched on the table before him; he took his compasses, and measuring distances on it with an idle hand, repeated the lines of one of his favourite poets: "J'ai servi, commandé, vaincu quarante années; Du monde, entre mes mains, j'ai vu les destinées; Et j'ai toujours connu qu'en chaque événement Le destin des états dépendait d'un moment."

Chaque ligne, chaque vers, chaque poème taillé en bloc, sans couleur, sans decor, sans rime."... "La sainte pauvresse du style dépouillé."... "Il faut de la dureté, toujours de la dureté." He thought of Réveillaud's criticism, and his sudden startled spurt of admiration: "Mais! Vous l'avez trouvée, la beauté de la ligne droite." And Réveillaud's question: "Vraiment?

Only by thoughtless people then. There is a saying given to Rousseau, not that he ever did say it, for I believe it was a misprint, but it was a possible saying for him, "Chaque homme qui pense est mechant." Now, without going the length of this aphorism, we may say that what has been well written has been well suffered. "He best can paint them who has felt them most."

"Chaque génération d'hommes Germant du champs maternal en sa saison, Garde en elle un secret commun, un certain noeud dans la profonde contexture de son bois," Claudel assures us through the mask of Tête d'Or.

As Hugo says, in his preface to La Legende des Siècles: "Comme dans une mosaïque, chaque pierre a sa couleur et sa forme propre; l'ensemble donne une figure. La figure de ce livre," he goes on, "c'est l'homme." To get an epic design or figure through a sequence of small idylls need not be the result of mere technical curiosity. It may be a valuable method for the future of epic.

This news was received with great joy and thankfulness in my family, where we had not been expected so soon, and where the sorrow for my absence was still so keen that my father wrote to my husband: "Chaque fois que je rentre je m'attends a la voir accourir au devant de moi et chaque desillusion est suivie de tristesse. Il n'est pas jusqu'au piano dont le mutisme me fait mal.

On a donne a chaque particulier des etoffes pour l'habiller, des grains pour se nourrir pendant l'espace d'une annee, des ustensiles pour le menage et d'autres choses necessaires: et outre cela plusieurs onces d'argent, pour se pourvoir de ce qu'on aurait pu oublier.

Young Van Horne, who had some musical capabilities, was placed at the piano, and played Washington's March, when the young people paired off in a line, and began to walk, moving in time up and down the two drawing-rooms, through the folding-doors each gentleman, of course, offering his arm to a lady; chaque chacun, avec sa chacune.

While she was immeasurably thankful for Peters' presence to-night she knew it was impossible for him to act continually as a buffer between them. But from the problem of to-morrow, and innumerable to-morrows, she turned with a fixed determination to live for the moment. A chaque jour suffit sa peine. She lay with relaxed muscles and closed eyes. It seemed a long while before the men joined her.

A silly trade, he doubtless considered it; but a man must make allowance for barbarians chaque pays a ses coutumes and he felt the principle was there. The time came at last when his labours, which resembled those rather of Penelope than Hercules, could be no more spun out, and nothing remained but to pay him and say farewell.