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"Begorrah, Tom," said he, as he watched me tucking into the stuff with great complacency, while the rest of the fellows were cleaning up the mess-table and generally making things snug, "it's as good as aitin' onesilf fur to say how ye git outside that pay-soup. An ould play- acting chap I onst sayd a-swallerin' knoives an' sich loike onnatural stuff, worn't a patch on ye, me hearty!"

Nobody can be answerable for the wishes of that onnatural tribe of mankind. Not but that the woman's heart-strings is tried in many aggravating ways. 'Ah, poor woman! said granny. 'The state she finds herself in neither maid, wife, nor widow, as you may say is not the primest form of life for keeping in good spirits. How long is it since she has heard from Sir Blount, Tabitha?

It is "onnatural," remarked the Yankee. Kassim had gone, by that time, very much impressed, pleased too, and also uneasy. Pursuing his tortuous policy, he had dispatched a message to Dain Waris warning him to look out for the white men's ship, which, he had had information, was about to come up the river. He minimised its strength and exhorted him to oppose its passage.

"Twill only scare 'em off. They're a heap too cute to be taken in by an onnatural big star floating over the water. But 'taint the lucky side of the moon for us. She'll rise late, and her light'll be so feeble that it wouldn't show us an elephant clearly if he was under our noses. So if I succeed in coaxing a bull to the brink of the water, I'll open the jack, and flash our light on him.

'I wos jus' havin' a glass to celebrate a joyful day. 'Cannot you take your glass without becoming intoxicated? said Cargrim, in disgust. 'I tell you what, Mosk, if you go on in this way, I shall make it my business to warn Sir Harry Brace against you. 'I told you how t'would be, father, put in Bell, reproachfully. 'You onnatural child, goin' agin your parent, growled Mr Mosk.

Perhaps something unusually stiff and embarrassed in their attitude, some awkwardness in acting up to their profession of unity, different from the natural shyness of young couples, may have been apparent, for when they were gone Mrs Crick said to her husband "How onnatural the brightness of her eyes did seem, and how they stood like waxen images and talked as if they were in a dream!

"Oh, I know it's giving you the sort of pain you had when dad had the telephone put on " "Well, 'tis the quare onnatural little machine, an' I niver feel anyways at home with it, Mr. Jim," Murty defended himself. "There's lots like you, Murty. But you'll admit that when we've got to send a telegram, it's better to telephone it than make a man ride thirty-four miles with it?"

Some more of them queer feelin's of yourn operatin' again, hey? Them onnatural kind thet you can't explain, hey?" Anson's queries were bitter and rancorous. "Yes. An', Snake, I tax you with this heah. Ain't any of them queer feelin's operatin' in you?" "No!" rolled out the leader, savagely. But his passionate denial was a proof that he lied.

"But any one would know enough to camp near water," said Solange, surprised. "Yes'm," agreed Sucatash, solemnly. "Any one would! But them prospectors ain't human, that a way. They lives in the deserts so much they gets kind of wild and flighty, ma'am. Water is so scarce that they gets to regardin' it as somethin' onnatural and dangerous.

It's small blame to that fool of a steward to be afther taking him for somethin' onnatural, sure!" While the mate had been giving this explanation of the stowaway's condition Captain Dinks had not been idle.