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She went grumbling, and brought him the miserable end. "Hoot, Grizzie!" he expostulated, "dinna be sae near. Ye wadna, gien ye kenned what I was aboot." "Eh! what are ye aboot, sir?" "I'm no gaein' to tell ye yet. Ye maun hae patience, an' I maun hae a can'le." "Ye maun tak what's offert ye." "Grizzie, I'm in earnest."

"An' gien I had ta'en the disgrace ye offert me, ye wad hae drawn back?" "No, certainly." "Ye wasna tryin' me, then: ye was duin' yer best to corrup' me." "I'm no splitter of hairs." "My lord, it's nane but the corrup'ible wad seek to corrup'." The marquis gnawed a nail or two in silence. Miss Horn dragged an easy-chair within a couple of yards of him.

Spinoza abounds in the same sense, and is as usual perfectly candid In the "Protogaea," xxvi., Leibnitz distinctly suggests the mutability of species "Alii mirantur in saxis passim species videri quas vel in orbe cognito, vel saltem in vicinis locis frustra quaeras. Sed quis absconditos ejus recessus aut subterraneas abyssos pervestigavit? quam multa nobis animalia antea ignota offert novus orbis?

Si vous pouvez venir m'y voir, je serai tres heureux, car j'ai encore besoin de quelques renseignements complimentaires. Vous m'avez offert l'hospitalite du Dean, et je lui ai ecrit que je l'acceptais. Mais en quoi consiste cette hospitalite? Simple luncheon suivi d'un depart, ou diner et coucher au doyenne?

The following from his Otho are equally well known: Dis moi donc, lorsqu' Othon s'est offert a Camille, A-t-il paru contraint? a-t-elle ete facile? Son hommage aupres d'elle a-t-il eu plein effet? Comment l'a-t-elle pris, et comment l'a-t-il fait?

"It is far worse than that! It is a horrible what the French call 'acrostiche, a deadly insult to our people. And I never saw it, the Editor never saw it, and you, even, never guessed its real meaning! The original, as you say, was in typewriting, and at the bottom was the name and address of a very well-known homme de lettres: and the words: 'Offert

Ye dinna seem to think it possible she sud tak his wull raither nor yours! that the love o' Christ should constrain her ayont the love offert her by Jeames Bletherwick! We hae conversed aboot ye, sir, but niver differt!" "But allowing us you and me to be of different opinions on some points, must that be a reason why she and I should not love one another?"

"An' gien I had taen the disgrace ye offert me, ye wad hae drawn back?" "No, certainly." "Ye wasna tryin' me than: ye was duin' yer best to corrup' me." "I 'm no splitter of hairs." "My lord, it 's nane but the corrup'ible wad seek to corrup'." The marquis gnawed a nail or two in silence. Miss Horn dragged an easy chair within a couple of yards of him.

"Gien I hae made a mistak, my leddy, I micht weel mak it, no bein' a gentleman, and no bein' used to the traitment o' ane. But I doobt gien a gentleman wad ha' surmised what ye was efter wi' yer nepkin', gien ye had offert him half a croon first." "Oh, yes, he would perfectly!" said Florimel with an air of offence.

And when the curtain draws up, to the sound of harps, and discovers white-robed angels walking in the clouds, we find the angel of Marana upon her knees, uttering the following address: Vierge, a qui le calice a la liqueur amere Fut si souvent offert, Mere, que l'on nomma la douloureuse mere, Tant vous avez souffert!