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"It was the drink," rejoined Malcolm; "an' eh sir! afore ye rise frae that bed, sweir to the great God 'at ye'll never drink nae mair drams, nor onything 'ayont ae tum'ler at a sittin'." "I sweir't; I sweir't, Ma'colm!" cried the factor. "It's easy to sweir't noo, sir, but whan ye're up again it'll be hard to keep yer aith.

Effie listened in bewildered astonishment, and so earnest was her sister's enthusiastic assurance, that she almost involuntarily caught a gleam of hope; but it instantly faded away. "Ah, Jeanie! the king and queen live in London, a thousand miles from this far ayont the saut sea; I'll be gane before ye win there."

"Ye maunna think ower hard o' him, laddie, for yir mother canna drive him forth, so ye maun bide thegither in this broken hairt o' mine. And laddie, I am askin' God to keep me pure, for my love will hae its bloom some day far ayont us, like the bonny heather when the winter's bye. And I want to be worthy when it comes.

The girl led him down a long passage, which was nearly dark, opened a door, and showed him a flight of stone steps. "There's three doors," she said. "It's the one at the end forninst you that's the cellar door. Are ye going down? It's venturesome ye are. Whisht, then, and go canny, and dinna go ayont the bottom of the steps." Maurice went cautiously.

"It was the drink," rejoined Malcolm; "an' eh, sir, afore ye rise frae that bed sweir to the great God 'at ye'll never drink nae mair drams, nor onything 'ayont ae tum'ler at a sittin'." "I sweir 't, I sweir 't, Ma'colm!" cried the factor. "It's easy to sweir 't noo, sir, but whan ye're up again it'll be hard to keep yer aith.

The hour was one of the short ones ayont the twal, and sleep reigned everywhere except in the daily-newspaper-offices and in the most fashionable of the grog-shops. Besides Chip, the only living thing in Devonshire Street was a thinly-clad stripling, with a little roll of yellowish tissue-paper in his hand, knocking and shaking feebly at a door which grimly refused to open.

'Gude nicht to ye, said Robert, with the fiddle-case under his arm. The shoemaker looked up, with his hands bound in his threads. 'Ye're no gaein' to tak her frae me the nicht? 'Ay am I, but I'll fess her back again. I'm no gaein' to Jericho wi' her. 'Gang to Hecklebirnie wi' her, and that's three mile ayont hell. 'Na; we maun win farther nor that. There canna, be muckle fiddlin' there.

A dinner was given in honor of the occasion at our Consul's. It was a splendid affair, several lady residents of Hong-Kong gracing the board with their presence. The gentlemen kept it up long after they had retired, and the union of the States was cemented, representatives from nearly all being present, amongst the hours "Ayont the twal."

Ye'd better strip." Dickson removed his boots and socks. "Breeks too," commanded the boy; "there's deep holes ayont thae stanes." Dickson obeyed, feeling very chilly, and rather improper. "Now follow me," said the guide. The next moment he was stepping delicately on very sharp pebbles, holding on to the end of the scout's pole, while an icy stream ran to his knees.

A pause followed, and then the narrator, or rather commentator, resumed. "I'm thinkin' whan he begud to ken himsel' growin' auld, his deed cam back upon 'im fresh-like, an' that wad be hoo he cudna bide to hae my lady oot o' the sicht o' his een, or at least ayont the cry o' his tongue.