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And they hed him afore a coort-mairtial as they ca' 't, and broucht it in, she says, bare cooardice, and jist broke him. He'll hae ill shawin the face o' 'm again i' 's ain calf-country! 'It's a lee, said Kirsty. 'I s' tak my aith o' that, whaever took the tellin o' 't. There never was mark o' cooard upo' Francie Gordon. He hed his fauts, but no ane o' them luikit that gait.

When we had got within twenty feet or so of the landing, a dame in a red woollen kerchief called out: "What hae ye done wi' Mungo, John Paul?" "CAPTAIN John Paul, Mither Birkie," spoke up a coarse fellow with a rough beard. And a laugh went round. "Ay, captain! I'll captain him!" screamed the carlin, pushing to the front as the oars were tossed, "I'll tak aith Mr.

When we had got within twenty feet or so of the landing, a dame in a red woollen kerchief called out: "What hae ye done wi' Mungo, John Paul?" "CAPTAIN John Paul, Mither Birkie," spoke up a coarse fellow with a rough beard. And a laugh went round. "Ay, captain! I'll captain him!" screamed the carlin, pushing to the front as the oars were tossed, "I'll tak aith Mr.

"'The trumpet shall be blown, for, says he, in a kin' o' whisper, 'there's a hint o' oppeesition here, an' a' tell ye honestly a' lost hert a'thegither, for here he wes back again amang the trumpets, and a'll gie ma aith he never sae much as mentioned that head afore.

And I hae telt the truth under aith; nathless, maybe my teestimony suld na be received." "Why not?" "Why no'? Why, gin a wife maunna teestify agin her ain husband, I suld na hae teestified agin the Duk' o' Harewood, who is my ain lawfu' husband!" said Rose Cameron, purposely raising her voice to a clear, ringing tone that was distinctly heard all over the court-room.

"There's nae imaginin' aboot it; a' heard him wi' ma ain ears say twice, 'My father was an Amorite, and my mother a Hittite. I'll take my aith on it. Noo, a' dinna ken Donald's forbears masel, for he's frae Tayside, but supposin' they were as bad as bad cud be, it's no for him to blacken his ain blood, and him an Elder." "Toots, Netherton, yir aff it a' thegither.

Only Hob, and that was the eldest, hunkered at the door-sill where the blood had rin, fyled his hand wi' it, and haddit it up to Heeven in the way o' the auld Border aith. 'Hell shall have her ain again this nicht! he raired, and rode forth upon his earrand." It was three miles to Broken Dykes, down hill, and a sore road.

But the moment fowk says wha I am ye touch na a poun'-not' mair, an' I coont mysel' free to pursue onything I can pruv agane ye." Mrs. Catanach attempted a laugh of scorn, but her face was gray as putty and its muscles declined response. "Ay or no?" said Malcolm. "I winna gar ye sweir, for I wad lippen to yer aith no a hair."

There was a ro'd here lang or yer lordship's father was merried upo' yer lordship's mither, an' the law what o' 't yer lordship hasna the makin' o' is deid agen ye: that I can priv. Hae me up: I can tak my aith as weel's onybody whan I'm sure." "I will do so; but in the meantime you must get off my property." "Weel, stan' by, an' I s' be aff o' 't in less time nor yer lordship."

When we had got within twenty feet or so of the landing, a dame in a red woollen kerchief called out: "What hae ye done wi' Mungo, John Paul?" "CAPTAIN John Paul, Mither Birkie," spoke up a coarse fellow with a rough beard. And a laugh went round. "Ay, captain! I'll captain him!" screamed the carlin, pushing to the front as the oars were tossed, "I'll tak aith Mr.