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"Then you see," the marquis went on, refusing offence, "what the admission of your story would make of my daughter?" "That's plain eneuch, my lord." "Now, if I have read Malcolm right, he has too much regard for his mistress to put her in such a false position." "That is, my lord, ye wad hae yer lawfu' son beir the lawless name." "No, no; it need never come out what he is.

And now a shopkeeper has filled his window with royal Stuart tartans, and I am instantly a Jacobite. 'The Highland clans wi' sword in hand, Frae John o' Groat's to Airly, Hae to a man declar'd to stand Or fa' wi' Royal Charlie. 'Come through the heather, around him gather, Come Ronald, come Donald, come a'thegither, And crown your rightfu' lawfu' king, For wha'll be king but Charlie?

Supposin' she was weel merried first, hoo wad she stan' wi' her man whan he cam to ken 'at she was nae marchioness hed no lawfu' richt to ony name but her mither's? An' afore that, what richt cud I ha'e to alloo ony man to merry her ohn kent the trowth aboot her? Faith, it wad be a fine chance though for the fin'in' oot whether or no the man was worthy o' her!

"Dinna be in sic a rage, man," cried the first, avoiding his blow; "we're aboot naething ayont the lawfu'. It's only the mad laird. We're takin' 'im to the asylum at Ebberdeen. By the order o' 's ain mither!" At the word a choking scream came from the prostrate victim.

"Then you see," the marquis went on, refusing offence, "what the admission of your story would make of my daughter?" "That's plain eneuch, my lord." "Now, if I have read Malcolm right he has too much regard for his mistress to put her in such a false position." "That is, my lord, ye wad hae yer lawfu' son beir the lawless name." "No, no: it need never come out what he is.

"That may be; I'm no denying it; but what is lawfu' in some men is sinfu' in others." "I do not see that at all." "Do you mind last summer, when we were up in Argyleshire, how your cousin, Roy Callendar, walked, with ne'er the wink o' an eyelash, on a mantel-shelf hanging over a three-hundred-feet precipice?

The other way will wreck public credit. That's what I say. Supposin' some Labour Government takes the notion that soap's bad for the nation? Are they goin' to shut up Port Sunlight? Or good clothes? Or lum hats? There's no end to their daftness if they once start on that track. A lawfu' trade's a lawfu' trade, says I, and it's contrary to public policy to pit it at the mercy of wheen cranks.

But now, I doubtna, it has been Rashleigh himself or some other o' your cousins they are a' tarred wi' the same stick rank Jacobites and papists, and wad think the government siller and government papers lawfu' prize.

"I'll sweir ony lawfu' aith 'at ye like to lay upo' me," protested Angus, "'at I'll dee whatever ye please to require o' me." "I dinna doobt ye wad sweir; but what neist?" said Janet. "What neist but ye'll lowse my han's?" rejoined Angus.

"A hadden tongue," replied Andrew, "makes a slabbered mouth." It was now necessary I should interfere, which I did by commanding Andrew, with an authoritative tone, to be silent at his peril. "I am silent," said Andrew. "I'se do a' your lawfu' bidding without a nay-say. My puir mother used aye to tell me, Be it better, be it worse, Be ruled by him that has the purse.