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We was married by a heathen priest in a heathen country and it ain't rightfully bindin', but we thought it would do until we could get back here and be married by a minister of the gospel, didn't we, James?" "It has held," he said, without emotion, "but I reckon we will hev to be merried proper." "Likewise I have my weddin' dress," Aunt Jane went on, "what ain't never been worn.

Say, I didn't know there was so many people in the whole world as they was of them emigrants. Preacher come along in a wagon one day broke, like most preachers is. We kep' him overnight, free, and he merried us next mornin' for nothin'. Turn about's fair play, I reckon." I scarcely heard her querulous confidences. "Where is Colonel Meriwether?" I asked her at last.

She had seen better days herself, and knew what it was never to want for anything. One of her cousins merried a very rich old gentleman, and she had heerd that he said he lived ten year longer than if he'd staid by himself without anybody to take care of him. There was nothin' like a wife for nussin' sick folks and them that couldn't take care of themselves.

'Long in March, aunt, she ketched cold, took tew her bed, got wuss, an' told me tew hurry up, fer nary red should I hev, ef I warn't safely merried 'fore she stepped out. I thought that was ruther craoudin' a feller; but I see she was goan sure, an' I'd got intew a way er considerin' the cash mine, so that it come hard to hear abaout givin' on't up.

Ye hae aye been gude to me better nor I deserved. Ye hae been naebody's enemy but yer ain. 'Haud yer tongue. Ye're speykin' waur blethers nor the minister, honest man! I tell ye I hae been a damned scoon'rel to ye. I haena even hauden my han's aff o' ye. And eh! ye war a bonny lass whan I merried ye.

There was a sair fyke in the beginning, but the governor, seeing him resolved, gied him his dischairge, and he went and dwallt and merried in North Berwick, and had aye a gude name with honest folk frae that day on. It was in the year seeventeen hunner and sax that the Bass cam in the hands o' the Da'rymples, and there was twa men soucht the chairge of it.

I hope God will bless all that set at my table, old and young, rich and poor, merried and single, and single that hopes soon to be merried.

Sae lang 's merried fowk sleeps in ae bed, it 's ill to haud onything till a body's sel'." "Mr Mellis is a douce man, an' I carena what he kens." answered Miss Horn. She descended to the shop, and having bought bulk enough to account to Jean for her lengthened stay, for she had beyond a doubt been watching the door of the shop, she crossed the street, went up to her parlour, and rang the bell.

An' I'm thinkin' she beirs the markis gien sae it be sae deid an' gane as he is a grutch yet, for passin' sic an offspring upo' her, an' syne no merryin' her efter an' a', an' the ro'd clear o' baith 'at stude atween them. "But wad fowk du sic awfu' ill things, mem her a merried woman, an' him a merried man?" "There's nae sayin', laddie, what a hantle o' men and some women wad du.

Then along come this Danny Calkins, that taken up some land nigh to me in the bottoms low-downest coward of a, man that ever disgraced the sile of yearth and then I merried him." "Is he dead, too, my dear woman?" I asked. "Don't you 'dear woman' me I ain't free to merry agin yit," said she. "Naw, he ain't dead, and I ain't deevorced either. I just done left him.