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"Let us forth," cried the King, stopping his ears. "We carena to be present at scenes like this. We hae had a gude riddance o' this traitor, though we wad hae gladly heard what he had to tell. Sir Jocelyn Mounchensey, ye will see that this young woman be cared for; and when ye have caused her to be removed elsewhere, follow us to the tennis-court, to which we shall incontinently adjourn."

And then the other chield got up, and said, he caredna whether Morris was rubbed or no, provided it wasna to become a stain on ony gentleman's honour and reputation, especially in the north of England; for, said he before them, I come frae the north mysell, and I carena a boddle wha kens it.

Mrs Courthope reflected for a moment, and then repeated the following lines: "The lord quha wad sup on 3 thowmes o' cauld airn, The ayr quha wad kythe a bastard and carena, The mayd quha wad tyne her man and her bairn, Lift the neck, and enter, and fearna." "That's it, my lord," she said, in conclusion.

My mother's sorely needin' help now, ye ken, since father was drowned, and I maun be doing something." "Ay, ye're right there, lad; ye're right there. But what kind o' work were ye seekin'?" "I carena what it be, if it's just work," I replied. "But I was thinkin' I'd go in one o' the Kirkwall ships if there was one wantin' a lad."

"As for the matter of that, young woman," said mine host, "an you be so fond o' hill, I carena an thou couldst carry Gunnerby away with thee in thy lap, for it's a murder to post-horses. But here's to thy journey, and mayst thou win well through it, for thou is a bold and a canny lass." So saying, he took a powerful pull at a solemn tankard of home-brewed ale.

"And I warn you." continued Earnscliff, "that your only way to prove your son's innocence is to give us quiet admittance to search the house." "And what will ye do, if I carena to thraw the keys, or draw the bolts, or open the grate to sic a clamjamfrie?" said the old dame, scoffingly.

Nay, threaten as ye will, I carena. What I say is perfectly true. Carver Kinlay's a smuggler!" Tom Kinlay bit the stem of his clay pipe so hard that it broke in his mouth, so great was his rage.

And then the other chield got up, and said, he caredna whether Morris was rubbed or no, provided it wasna to become a stain on ony gentleman's honour and reputation, especially in the north of England; for, said he before them, I come frae the north mysell, and I carena a boddle wha kens it.

"Never mind, hinny Levitt," said the old woman; "you are a ruffler, and will have a' your ain gate She shanna gang to heaven an hour sooner for me; I carena whether she live or die it's her sister ay, her sister!" "Well, we'll say no more about it; I hear Tom coming in. We'll couch a hogshead,* and so better had you." * Lay ourselves down to sleep.

'Well, well, my pretty May, you will get a handsomer fellow than Jan Jan's not the fellow for you, I see that. 'Noa, noa, answered the damsel; 'but he is weel aneugh for a' that, mon. But I carena a button for him; for there is the miller's son, that suitored me last Appleby Fair, when I went wi' oncle, is a gway canny lad as you will see in the sunshine. 'Aye, a fine stout fellow.