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"Ay, good luck to him! so we have," rejoined Terence; "but we've no objection to take out the dochter's bill in drink." "None whatever," replied the mob. "Your answer, gem'men?" demanded Sharples. "Long life to the Markis, and we accept his honourable proposal," responded the mob. "Long life to the Marquis!" reiterated Terence; "he's an honour to ould Ireland!"

'I vish you could muffle that 'ere Stiggins, and take him vith you, said Mr. Weller. 'I am ashamed on you! said Sam reproachfully; 'what do you let him show his red nose in the Markis o' Granby at all, for? Mr. Weller the elder fixed on his son an earnest look, and replied, ''Cause I'm a married man, Samivel,'cause I'm a married man.

"She vore no 'at upon 'er 'ead, Nor a cap, nor a " "Bear the 'Markis' up werry short, Sam, vill 'ee? " dandy bonnet, But 'er 'air it 'ung all down 'er back, Like a " "Easy easy now! Hold on to them leaders, Dick! " bunch of carrots upon it. Ven she cried 'sprats' in Vestminister, Oh! sich a sveet loud woice, sir, You could 'ear 'er all up Parlyment Street, And as far as Charing Cross, sir."

"Weel, ye ken little," said Peter; and the rest laughed. "I'm the markis o' Lossie," said Malcolm. Every man but Peter laughed again: all took it for a joke precursive of some serious announcement. That which it would have least surprised them to hear would have been that he was a natural son of the late marquis.

"My son Hugo and my daughter Lil they are the best son and daughter in the world." A sudden hot haze before his eyes blotted out the words as he finished reading them. When you try to do a story about three people like Sid Hahn and Mizzi Markis and Wallie Ascher you find yourself pawing around among the personalities helplessly.

"Von't you hear me? ough! ough!" demanded Sharples, after a pause. "By all means," rejoined Quilt. "Raise your vice, and lave off coughin'," added Terence. "The long and the short o' the matter's this then," returned Sharples with dignity, "the Markis begs your acceptance o' ten guineas to drink his health." The hooting was instantaneously changed to cheers.

"The verra image o' the auld markis!" she said to herself; for in the recesses of her bosom she spoke the Scotch she scorned to utter aloud; "and sits jist like himsel', wi' a wee stoop i' the saiddle, and ilka noo an' than a swing o' his haill boady back, as gien some thoucht had set him straught. Gien the fractious brute wad but brak a bane or twa o' him!" she went on in growing anger.

The other set looked down upon a new building being erected across the way. It was on this building that Mizzi Markis worked as hod carrier. The war accustomed us to a million women in overalls doing the work of a million men. We saw them ploughing, juggling steel bars, making shells, running engines, stoking furnaces, handling freight.

"Gentlemen," he piped in his shrill old voice, "I take pleasure to introduce Joe Madden, undefeated 'eavyweight champion o' the world, an' the Guv both members of this club an' both trained by me, Jack Bowser, once lightweight champion of England an' hall the Americas. Gentlemen, it will be a fight to a finish Markis o' Queensberry rules. Gentlemen I thank ye."

"Because, ye see," pursued John, "I was ae day here i' the gairden an' I was jist graftin' a bonny wull rose-buss wi' a Hector o' France an' it grew to be the bonniest rose-buss in a' the haill gairden whan the markis no the auld markis, but my leddy's father cam' up the walk there, an' a bonny yoong leddy wi' his lordship, as it micht be yersel's twa an' I beg your pardon, my leddy, but I'm an auld man noo, an' whiles forgets the differs atween fowk an' this yoong leddy 'at they ca'd Miss Cam'ell ye kenned her yersel' efterhin', I daur say, Ma'colm he was unco ta'en wi' her, the markis, as ilka body cud see ohn luikit that near, sae 'at some said 'at hoo he hed no richt to gang on wi' her that gait, garrin' her believe, gien he wasna gaein' to merry her.