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"Robertson's done up," said he to himself; "thae young lads are aye sae thoughtless. What deevil could he hae to say to Jeanie Deans, or to ony woman on earth, that he suld gang awa and get his neck raxed for her? And this mad quean, after cracking like a pen-gun, and skirling like a pea-hen for the haill night, behoves just to hae hadden her tongue when her clavers might have dune some gude!

He stood with his bonnet in his hand, watching for a farewell glance. "Why don't you come in?" she said impatiently. He was beside her in a moment. "I didna ken ye wad lat me in," he said. "I wouldn't have you drowned," she returned, shutting the door. I stack to the boddom o' a whumled boat a haill nicht whan I was but fifeteen."

His was the same live readiness that had opened the ear of Maggie to the cry of the little one on the hill-side. As his daily work was ministration to the weary feet of his Master's men, so was his soul ever awake to their sorrows and spiritual necessities. "There's a haill warl' o' bonny wark aboot me!" he would say.

Andro. 'To die, quoth he; 'but I leave that and manie more things for you to help. "We went from him to the printer's workhouse, whom we found at the end of the 17 book of his Cornicle at a place which we thought verie hard for the tyme, which might be an occasion for staying the haill work, anent the burial of Davie. Therefore staying the printer from proceeding, we came to Mr.

He will come next by some scathe in the hobbleshow, and then it will be, 'Dorothy, get the lint, and 'Dorothy, spread the plaster; but now it is nothing but nonsense, and a lie, and impossibility, that can come out of Dorothy's mouth. Impossible! Does auld Simon think that Harry Smith's head was as hard as his stithy, and a haill clan of Highlandmen dinging at him?"

'Let me go back, you false villain! sobbed the boy, with the first use of his recovered breath. 'Do not be so daft, Lord Malcolm, replied the Squire, retaining his hold on the boy's bridle; 'what, rin your head into the wolf's mouth again, when we've barely brought you off haill and sain? 'Haill and sain? Dastard and forlorn, cried Malcolm, with passionate weeping.

The soutar closed the door and returned to his work, saying aloud as he went, "Lord, lat me ever and aye see thy face, and noucht mair will I desire excep that the haill warl, O Lord, may behold it likewise. The prayers o' the soutar are endit!" Peter Blatherwick went home joyous at heart.

"Now the principal thing in hand e'en now," said the official person, "is the job of Porteous's; an ye can gie us a lift why, the inner turnkey's office to begin wi', and the captainship in time ye understand my meaning?" "Ay, troth do I, sir; a wink's as gude as a nod to a blind horse; but Jock Porteous's job Lord help ye! I was under sentence the haill time.

"Ye winna tak even the washin' o' a pocket nepkin frae me, an' ye wad gar me tak a haill half croon frae yersel'! Mem, ye're a gran' leddy an' a bonny; an ye hae turns aboot ye, gien 'twar but the set o' yer heid, 'at micht gar an angel lat fa' what he was carryin', but afore I wad affront ane that wantit naething o' me but gude will, I wad I wad raither be the fisher lad that I am."

As to the rest, I charged him to observe the strictest silence upon the subject of his alarm, and he might rely upon it I would not incur any serious danger without due precaution. He followed me with a dejected air into the house, observing between his teeth, "Man suld be served afore beast I haena had a morsel in my mouth, but the rough legs o' that auld muircock, this haill blessed day."