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"It's dooms truth, though," said Saddletree; "and he was for kickin' the Duke of Argyle* too." "Kickin' the Duke of Argyle!" exclaimed the hearers at once, in all the various combined keys of utter astonishment. "Ay, but MacCallummore's blood wadna sit down wi' that; there was risk of Andro Ferrara coming in thirdsman."

O bolloben te rackel tutt andre sawe kolester, kai me wium adre te me tshawa tiro rum shin andro meraben. MY DEAR WIFE, Before I came to Frankfort I went to Neustadt. On the way it did not go well with me. Our men quarrelled together. It was cold and wet weather. The children were ill. That house into which we had gone burnt down; our kid and the young calf run away.

Alexander being send for be the king . . . tymes befoir, raid to facland accompaneit wth Andro Ruthven and Andro Hendirson, of mynd not to have returnit . . . bot to have met his brother my lord the next morning at the watter syde. And Andro Hendirsonis confessioun testifeit this . . . tuke his ludgeing in facland for this nygt.

But so many pregnant events happened in Canada during these seven years, while so few happened in his own career, that it is much more important for us to follow her history than his biography. In 1761 he was wounded at the storming of Port Andro during the attack on Belle Isle off the west coast of France. In 1762 he was wounded at Havana in the West Indies.

"It's dooms truth, though," said Saddletree; "and he was for kickin' the Duke of Argyle* too." "Kickin' the Duke of Argyle!" exclaimed the hearers at once, in all the various combined keys of utter astonishment. "Ay, but MacCallummore's blood wadna sit down wi' that; there was risk of Andro Ferrara coming in thirdsman."

Eager as Sholto was to accompany the searchers, and though he knew well that no foe was south of the Forth to assault such a strong place as Thrieve, he did not leave the castle till he had set all in order so far as he could. He appointed Andro the Penman and his brother John officers of the garrison during his absence.

Then Andro the Penman and his brother John, being silent capable fellows, said nothing, but spat on their hands, smiled at each other well pleased, and made the wheels of their cross-bows sing a clear whirring note. "I would not like to be that dog " said Andro the Swarthy. "Whose foul carcase I pray God to send speedily," echoed John the Blond.

The two were summoned to appear before the King and Council at Falkland to answer the accusations that had been made against them. 'With this, Burley falles down on his knees to the King, and craves justice. "Justice!" sayes Mr. Andro, "wald to God yow haid it!

"It is like enough," said Andro, coolly, "if his arm were in the way." Then came a voice down the stairs from above. "And the wretches would neither let any come to visit us nor yet permit us to go into the hall that we might speak with our gossips." "How should we be responsible with our lives for the lasses if we had let them gad about?" said Andro, preparing to salute and take himself off.

He tried if MacVittie & Co. wad gie him siller on them that I ken by Andro Wylie but they were ower auld cats to draw that strae afore them they keepit aff, and gae fair words. Rashleigh Osbaldistone is better ken'd than trusted in Glasgow, for he was here about some jacobitical papistical troking in seventeen hundred and seven, and left debt ahint him.