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I shall wait till my son Frank returns, before soaking and examining them. I long to steal the box, but return it by this post, like a too honest man. I am so much pleased about the male musk Callichroma; for by odd chance I told Frank a week ago that next spring he must collect at Cambridge lots of Cerambyx moschatus, for as sure as life he would find the odour sexual!

DIVISION. Vertebrata possessing a back-bone. CLASS. Mammalia such as give suck. ORDER. Ruminantia chewing the cud. FAMILY. With horns. GENUS. Bovidæ the ox tribe. Of this tribe there are eight species: Bos urus, the ancient bison. Bos bison, the American buffalo. Bos moschatus, the musk ox. Bos frontalis, the gayal. Bos grunniens, the grunting ox. Bos caffer, the South African buffalo.

Ceriornis Temminckii, swelling of the wattles of the male during courtship. Cervulus, weapons of. Cervulus moschatus, rudimentary horns of the female. Cervus alces. Cervus campestris, odour of. Cervus canadensis, traces of horns in the female; attacking a man; sexual difference in the colour of. Cervus elaphus, battles of male; horns of, with numerous points; long hairs on the throat of.

Gray, J.E., on the caudal vertebrae of monkeys; on the presence of rudiments of horns in the female of Cervulus moschatus; on the horns of goats and sheep; on crests of male antelopes; on the beard of the ibex; on the Berbura goat; on sexual differences in the coloration of Rodents; ornaments of male sloth; on the colours of the Elands; on the Sing-sing antelope; on the colours of goats; on Lemur Macaco; on the hog-deer.

Head of OVIBOS MOSCHATUS engraved on wood, found in the Thayngen Cave. Young man chasing the aurochs, from Laugerie. On a reindeer antler is represented a woman with flat breasts and very high hips, followed by a serpent; a shell from the crag near Walton-on-the-Naze had a human face roughly engraved on one side.

Ovibos moschatus, horns of. Ovipositor of insects. Ovis cycloceros, mode of fighting of. Ovule of man.

Bonizzi, P., difference of colour in sexes of pigeons. Bonnet monkey. Bonwick, J., extinction of Tasmanians. Boomerang. Boreus hyemalis, scarcity of the male. Bory St. Vincent, on the number of species of man; on the colours of Labrus pavo. Bos etruscus. Bos gaurus, horns of. Bos moschatus. Bos primigenius. Bos sondaicus, horns of, colours of.

A little later, flies and wasps send their buzzing progeny into our dining-rooms, to tease us over our dessert, like troublesome children: at the same period, some of the larger families of Longicorns abound, and one of them, Hamaticherus moschatus, musks your finger if you lay hold of him.