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Ceriornis Temminckii, swelling of the wattles of the male during courtship. Cervulus, weapons of. Cervulus moschatus, rudimentary horns of the female. Cervus alces. Cervus campestris, odour of. Cervus canadensis, traces of horns in the female; attacking a man; sexual difference in the colour of. Cervus elaphus, battles of male; horns of, with numerous points; long hairs on the throat of.

Mandans, correlation of colour and texture of hair in the. Mandible, left, enlarged in the male of Taphroderes distortus. Mandibles, use of the, in Ammophila; large, of Corydalis cornutus; large, of male Lucanus elaphus. Mandrill, number of caudal vertebrae in the; colours of the male.

Lucanidae, variability of the mandibles in the male. Lucanus, large size of males of. Lucanus cervus, numerical proportion of sexes of; weapons of the male. Lucanus elaphus, use of mandibles of; large jaws of male. Lucas, Prosper, on pigeons; on sexual preference in horses and bulls. Luminosity in insects. Lunar periods. Lund, Dr., on skulls found in Brazilian caves.

A perfect series can be formed from the best-provided to the worst-provided or degenerate males. Although the mandibles of the common stag-beetle, and probably of many other species, are used as efficient weapons for fighting, it is doubtful whether their great size can thus be accounted for. We have seen that they are used by the Lucanus elaphus of N. America for seizing the female.