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Don't you fret, Racey, old-timer, I'll keep yore secret. Till death does Ouch! Leggo me, you poor hickory! Yo're supposed to be sleeping off a drunk, remember! G'wan now! Lie down, Fido! Charge, you bad dog!"

He talked uncommonly good sense, too, as Eli confessed to himself. The Lord Proprietor had taken up with agriculture late in life, but he brought to it a trained and thoroughly practical mind. Once or twice he submitted a point to Sam Leggo, who had worked all his life on this very farm, and Eli was forced to admire the pertinence of his questions and cross-questions.

And she got up from that bed a shadow, a faint, pale shadow of the girl that used to brighten up our home for us. She was our sweet Cicely still. But she looked like that posy after the frost has withered it, and with the cold moonlight layin' on it. Good and patient she wuz, and easy to get along with; for she seemed to hold earthly things with a dretful loose grip, easy to leggo of 'em.

"Say, Aust, on the dead, I haven't time. Pardriff's waitin' for some copy now." "Just for a minute, Ham," said Austen; "I won't keep you long." "Leggo my collar, then, if you don't want to choke me. Say, I don't believe you know how strong you are." "I didn't know you wore a collar any more, Ham," said Austen. Mr. Tooting grinned in appreciation of this joke.

"Stop! stop!" she screamed. "Mother doesn't want you to go." But she might as well have tried to argue with a hurricane. Pierre danced up and down with rage, as Pierrette braced herself, and firmly anchored him by his blouse. "Leggo, leggo!" he shrieked. "I'm going, I tell you! I'm not afraid of any Germans alive." Just then, panting and breathless, Mother Meraut arrived upon the scene.

He seemed real glad to see us and wuz dretful chipper for a man most a hundred; he got hold of my hand and shook it as if he never would leggo, and went right on confidin' in me about his lost companion, what a treasure she wuz, and what a loss. And I sez, "Your wives wuz real nice wimmen, most all on 'em wuz, or them that I knowed."

Rogers shouting orders. He hailed the newcomers as soon as he caught sight of them. Leggo and his two men had found Sir Cæsar's gun, and recovered it from the bushes overhanging the cave. But of Sir Cæsar himself no trace could be found. It was clear to his mind that the body had rolled down the cliff into deep water, and had been carried out to sea.

"Well, first," said the man, sighing dejectedly, "leggo my neck, will ye be so kind?" "Not till you tell me why you follow me." "Why, then," said the man, "listen and I'll tell ye." "Well?" demanded Barnabas. But, all at once, and quick as a flash, with a wrench and a cunning twist, the man had broken away and, taking to his heels, darted off down the street and was gone.

I I'll send you everything, a a check that'll surprise you, old girl! Lemme go quiet! Nothing can't change things. Quit your blubbering. It makes me sick, I tell you. Quit your blubbering, old girl, and leggo. Leggo! Leg-go! Leg-go, I say!"

"I'd show them to you if you'd leggo my coat-tails," he added, furiously. "I'll pull them off before I let go," said Mary, grimly. "A pretty way for the New York Electric Light Company to do business I say! If you want a five-dollar deposit from the Missis why didn't you write and give notice like a Christian? Do you suppose we are thieves?