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"Leggo gave me a sort of description of the place on our way here. He tells me that this cave and the next are a favourite haunt of the seals when they visit the Islands. In fact, he used to hunt them here with his father. But of late years, for some reason, they have given the Islands the go-by."

"Forget them sordid monetary considerations. I'm somethin' like forty jumps ahead o' the devil an' ruination for the first time since me an' Bull McGinty organized the Brotherhood o' the South Seas " "Leggo me," snarled Captain Scraggs and springing back, he bent and looked earnestly into Mr. Gibney's happy countenance. "Good land o' Goshen, if you ain't him!" Hate gleamed in his eyes.

'You come along with me, says he, 'and I'll show you a Christmas celebration. "I grabbed him. 'William, I says, 'your eye is desperate. You explain to me before you scuff a foot. "'Leggo me, he says; 'I tell you, leggo me, Zeke Scraggs. I'm goin' to have my revenge.

He swooped down to within thirty or forty feet of the lake, and stopped right over the center, and sung out: "Leggo, and drop!" I done it, and shot down, feet first, and seemed to go about a mile toward the bottom; and when I come up, he says: "Now lay on your back and float till you're rested and got your pluck back, then I'll dip the ladder in the water and you can climb aboard." I done it.

"Leggo them buntlines an' clewlines, my hearties, an' haul home that sheet." The ship lay in the wind, shivering. Mr. Gibney was here, there, everywhere. One minute he was dashing along the deck with a leading line, the next he was laying out aloft. He ordered himself to do a thing and then, with the pent-up energy of a thousand devils, he did it.

Listen, Uncle John " "Leggo that ear, Bobby leggo!" " You watch the baby, Uncle John, and don't let anything happen to him. I've got a caller." Diana smiled, a bit scornfully, and then composed her features as a young girl bustled into the room and came toward her with frank cordiality indicated in the wide smile and out-stretched hand.

A sheet of flame seemed to flash from the little opening and precipitate Hawkins into my arms. At any rate, he landed there with a violent shock, and I clutched him tightly, and tried to steady the launch. "Leggo! Leggo!" he screamed. "Let me go, you idiot! It always does that! It's working now." He was right.

Then we straightened Pa up, and pointed him towards the middle of the room, and he said, 'leggo, and we just give him a little push to start him, and he began to go. Well, by gosh, you'd a dide to have seen Pa try to stop.

"Well, Kid, I know Heine's all kinds of a liar, but he tells me he's loaned you one of his, an' so " Soapy's long arm shot out in the gloom and seizing Spike's right arm he drew it near. "Why, Kid," said he, "it kind o' looks like Heine told the truth for once by accident, don't it?" "You leggo my wrist!" "Right-o, Kid, right-o! Don't get peeved " "Well, leggo then!" "Sure!

"Turn me out of Saaron, he would " began Tregarthen, but checked himself at the moment when passion seemed on the point of over-mastering him. "Well, sir, I didn't shoot him, if that's what they are telling," he added, quietly. "I should be sorry, indeed, to suspect any such thing. But let me tell you the rest. Hearing the shot, Leggo made good speed back to Carn Coppa.