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She put her shoulder under Stoddard's, catching the manacled hand in hers. Pros laid hold on the other side, and between them they half carried the shackled captive around the spring and to the door. "Leggo, Johnnie!" cried her uncle. "You run on down and see if that contraption will go. I can git him thar now."

This brought a cry of rage from Harris, and we heard him enter the scuttle, while Captain Riggs begged him not to go down. "Stay up here, Mr. Harris, and let the murdering dogs stay there. We'll fix 'em fast enough when day comes." "Leggo me, cap'n! I say I'll break that spawn's neck! Let me down!" "I can't let you risk your life this way, Mr. Harris. I can't, I say.

Under cover of the gay music there were angry muttered words and reproaches. "Yoo-hoo! Yoo-hoo!" Florette would trill happily to the audience as she poised on one toe. "What-ta you tryin' to do shake me off'n the bar?" she would mutter under her breath to her partner. "That's right! Leggo o' me an' lemme bus' my bean, damn you!" snarled Howard.

As we approached I could hear sounds of altercation and a voice that we placed immediately as that of our quarry arose in indignant warning: "If yo' doan' leggo that mess-kit I'll lay a barrage down on yo'!" A platform was improvised near a blazing fire of pine boards and we had some excellent clogging and singing.

Well, Tregarthen swung off in a huff, took his way down across Pare Coppa it was there, just under the Cam, that the outbreak occurred apparently for the landing-quay by the school, where his boat lay. He left Sir Cæsar and Sam Leggo standing there." "At what time?" "The time, according to Leggo, was close upon sunset.

And then, as they rounded a furze-crowned hummock, out of the hazy twilight, loping along on swift, padding feet, emerged the figure of a man. With a muttered curse he swerved aside, but Trent's arm shot out, and, catching him by the shoulder, he swung him round so that he faced them. "Leggo!" he muttered, twisting in Trent's iron grasp. "Leggo, can't you?"

"Ordinance says nobody can't engage in no diversion on the Lord's Day. That's today, and this here limousine's a diversion, ain't it?" Mr. Mix cried out in anguish, as her grip tightened. "Ouch! It's a damned outrage! Leggo my arm." "No, it isn't! Oh, Theodore, don't you see what it means " "Leggo, Mirabelle! It's a damned outrage!" "No, it isn't either! Theodore, don't you see?

All they did was to obey orders, and of course they knew naught of Mr. Pennefather's warning. To be short, Dan'l Leggo, after waiting the best part of two days at St.

'Tis a good job, I reckon, that folks in a street can't read one another's inside. Old Pennefather pulled up in a twitter, tapping his stick on the pavement. What he wanted to say was, "Your partner, Dan'l Leggo, has a cargo for St. Austell Bay. He'll get into trouble there, and I'm responsible for it; but I want you to warn him before 'tis too late."

For a moment he stood threatening, his eyes like the eyes of a dumb animal at bay travelling from the Lord Proprietor to Sam Leggo. The blood ebbed from his face, and left it unnaturally white. But of a sudden he appeared to collect himself; thrust both hands in his pockets, and, turning his back, walked away resolutely down the slope. "Well!" said Sam Leggo, after a pause. "Well!"