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Jim said it was so; and the king told him to shut up, and said, "Oh, yes, it's MIGHTY likely!" and shook me up again, and said he reckoned he'd drownd me. But the duke says: "Leggo the boy, you old idiot! Would YOU a done any different? Did you inquire around for HIM when you got loose? I don't remember it." So the king let go of me, and begun to cuss that town and everybody in it.

"Yeh. Well, let me tell you something. You quit traipsing up and down in front of my house, see?" "I wanted to see you. An' I didn't know whether you was coming down town to-night or not." "Well, I am. So now you know." He pulled away from her, but she twined her arm the tighter about his. "Ain't sore at me, are yuh, Buzz?" "No. Leggo my arm."

"But ain't I the limit, Jerry, airing my troubles to you, like you was a policeman." "Now, now " "Quit! Leggo my hand." They were spinning noiselessly along a road that curved for the moment away from the river into the velvet shadows of trees. He leaned forward suddenly, enveloping her. "I got it. Why don't you lemme kidnap you, kiddo?" "What "

My mother's grandfather, Dan'l Leggo, was the piousest man that ever went smuggling, and one of the peaceablest, and scrupulous to an extent you wouldn't believe. He learnt his business among the Cove boys at Porthleah or Prussia Cove as it came to be called, after John Carter, the head of the gang, that was nicknamed the King o' Prussia.

But there's no friend like an old friend." "Talking of friends," answered Dr. Chegwidden, "I think it well to set you on your guard." He pulled out a handbill from his pocket. "I had this from Mr. Pennefather to-night," said he; "and by to-morrow it will be posted all over the country: an offer for the apprehension of Daniel Leggo; the reward, two hundred and fifty pounds."

"I called you a liar," sneered Evarts, "and you haven't the sand to fight about it." "Fighting with one of your stripe isn't worth the while," Tom retorted, shortly. "Come along, Evarts. I'll show you the way out of camp." As Reade spoke he took hold of the ex-foreman's arm gently. "Leggo of me!" raged the foreman, clenching and raising one of his fists.

To one who has tried both, the wail of genuine physical anguish is easy distinguishable from the pumped-up ad misericordiam blubber. Harold's could clearly be recognised as belonging to the latter class. "Well, leggo of my ear then!" shrilled Harold, "and I'll tell you the solemn truth!" "Very well," agreed the curate, releasing him; "now go ahead, and don't lie more than you can help."

A faint chalk-mark was left upon the floor. "There!" she cried. "Leggo! Now, you gi' me the chalk, an' I'll go over it an' make it whiter." She knelt and chalked with the utmost absorption, crawling along on her knees, quite heedless of the despised alpaca; and Miss Dyer, hovering in a corner, timorously watched her. Mrs.

Albert, his face now very white indeed, had strode across the office, seized the speaker by the front of his flannel shirt and backed him against the wall. "Stop," commanded Albert, between his teeth. "That's enough of that. Don't you say any more!" "Eh? Ugh! Ur-gg! Leggo of my shirt." Albert let go, but he did not step back. He remained where he was, exactly in front of Mr. Price.

'Darn it all! yells back old Leggo from the scuffle, 'Seems more like he's got WE! For that seal, sir, fought like ten tom-cats; and before the Leggos got in a lucky stroke and knocked him silly with a stretcher he'd ripped one leg off th' old man's trousers and bitten the heel clean off Sam's right boot.