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The cylinders, however, of this period are more usually without inscriptions, being often plain, and often engraved with figures, but without a legend. "Chaldaei cognitione astrorum sollertiaque ingeniorum antecellunt." Cic. de Div. i. 41.

By persuasa prudentia, Grynaeus means self- complacent common sense as opposed to science and philosophic reason. Est medius ordo, et velut equestris, ingeniorum quidem sagacium, et commodorum rebus humanis, non tamen in primam magnitudinem patentium. Eorum hominum, ut sic dicam, major annona est.

What a far-extending influence does each of these names represent! The writing of books is perhaps the likeliest of all avenues by which to carry religious influence to the most select minds. See especially ch. lxi. 1-3. See Ewald's Introduction to The Prophets. "Bonorum ingeniorum insignis est indoles, in verbis verum amare, non verba.

II. Legimus, cum Aruleno Rustico Paetus Thrasea, Herennio Senecioni Priscus Helvidius laudati essent, capitale fuisse: neque in ipsos modo auctores, sed in libros quoque eorum saevitum, delegato triumviris ministerio, ut monumenta clarissimorum ingeniorum in comitio ac foro urerentur.

Heim represented the impartiality of consciousness, Naville the morality of consciousness, Lecoultre the religion of consciousness, Scherer the intelligence of consciousness, and I the consciousness of consciousness. A common ground, but differing individualities. Discrimen ingeniorum. What charmed me most in this long discussion was the sense of mental freedom which it awakened in me.

See the paper by M. T. H. MARTIN, of Rennes, Sur les Observations astronomiques envoyées, dit on, de Babylone en Grèce par Callisthène, Paris, 1863. The texts to this effect will be found collected in the essay of M. Martin. We shall be content here with quoting a phrase from Cicero which expresses the general opinion: "Chaldæi cognitione siderum sollertiaque ingeniorum antecellunt."