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"No one has been in here," said Fay automatically. "Have you been in this room ever since you left the saloon?" said her husband. "Yes. I have been reading here ever since." "Then it is impossible that anyone should have escaped into the house through this room," said the duke. "The duchess must have seen him. It is no longer necessary to search the house." The delegato hesitated.

Here, at a well-lighted table in a rather stuffy room, sat a delegato or commissario I forget which surrounded, despite the lateness of the hour, by one or two subordinates. He was of middle age, and not prepossessing. He looked as if he could make himself unpleasant, though his face was not of that actively vicious or actively stupid: the terms are interconvertible kind.

It is a relief to find that you are not yet in bed and asleep. A very grave, a very sad event has happened which necessitates the presence of the police commissioner. Calm yourself, my Francesca, and my good friend the delegato will explain." The official in the sash came in. Lord John stood in the doorway.

Benedetto went up with the delegato as far as the second landing, on to which two doors opened. The one on the left was closed, the one on the right looked down on the stairs through a shining bull's-eye window. The delegato pushed it open, and he and Benedetto entered a stuffy den, evidently a sort of anteroom. An usher, who was dozing there, rose wearily.

Nevertheless, if I had quitted the Duchess' apartment, if my natural and trained acuteness had not made one last effort respecting the screen, I do not think you would have followed me into the garden to denounce yourself." The Delegato paused. Michael was quite unmoved. Everything reached him dimly as through a mist.

They tried to force the cabman to drive away, and even talked of unharnessing the horse. When the delegato appeared with Benedetto they surrounded him, crying: "Away with the ruffian! Away with him! Down with him! Leave that man alone! Look out for the thieves, per Dio! You take God's servants, and let the thieves run free! Away with you! Down with you!"

Down with him!" without knowing whose fall they desired. And here are the carabinieri's big hats again, and the policemen. In vain the six protest, shouting themselves hoarse; the yells of "Down with him!" and "Death to him!" drown their voices. A delegato orders the bugler to sound the "disperse." At the third blast there is a general stampede.

The poor little creature was trembling from head to foot, partly with fear, partly with joy, and she could only repeat over and over again: "Blessed Jesus! Holy Virgin!" Benedetto sought to reassure her, promised to return as soon as possible, and, having said good-bye, went down-stairs with the delegato.

"No" shouts a woman who sells fruit, and who was one of a group on the corner of Via Alessandro Volta. "It was a delegato! It was the police!"

The delegato gave an order to the cyclist, and entered the carriage with Benedetto. They started in the direction of the Tiber, in the midst of thunder, lightning, and heavy rain. Very quietly Benedetto asked the delegato what was wanted of him at the police station. He replied that it was not a question of the station.