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There are no less than 37 streets and 4 squares, the Principal, Mercado, Iglesia, and Teatro, all adorned by dainty fountains, and, in one instance, the Plaza del Teatro, a veritable ocean of flowers as well. The Calle Mendez-Vigo is one of the most picturesque and attractive streets in the world.

But wheresoever you enter a Mexican iglesia during prayer-time, I promise you the view of an extensive assortment of backs. Not classified, however. Quite the contrary. The back of the shawled lady may be inclusive between two greasy rebosos, and the striped or speckled back of the lepero may rise up alongside the shining broad-cloth of the dandy!

The apartment we had rented, at the corner of the Calle de San Francisco, opposite the Iglesia de la Profesa, was larger than necessary for our small family, and a very spacious room looking upon Mexico's fashionable thoroughfare had been left unfurnished and unoccupied by us.

Early morning prayer in the "iglesia" is a fashionable custom among the senoras of Mexico particularly among those who dwell in cities and towns. Close upon the heels of daybreak you may see them issuing from the great doors of their houses, and hurrying through the streets towards the chapel, where the bell has already begun its deafening "ding-dong."

Then the backs are suddenly shortened again, the profiles appear as before nods, and winks, and cunning glances, are exchanged and that till the little bell sounds a second time. This ridiculous genuflexion and mummery you may see repeated every morning in a Mexican "iglesia," long before the hour of breakfast.

Mas no puede el autor excusarse de gran culpa en haber tratado materia y cuestion semejante en estos tiempos, y leídola á multitud de estudiantes, entre los cuales los rudos, los idiotas, los libres y los desasosegados ingenios, y los mal intencionados y los simples y flacos no podrian sacar aprovechamiento ni edificacion, sino atrevida osadía y poca reverencia á la edicion Vulgata que la iglesia católica nos da por auténtica.

El hombre como la mujer está lleno de deberes: en cumplirlos ordenada y totalmente está el verdadero mérito. ¿No dedica la mujer filipina una parte a veces considerable de su tiempo a la iglesia y a otros deberes llamados de sociedad, a ir de visitas o recibirlas, a concurrir a fiestas, teatros y bailes?

Gradually he brought the conversation around to the question of disobedience among the peons, and summed up his advice to the Americans in a vehement explosion: "Fine them! Fine them often, and much! "Of course," he added, as he prepared to leave, "you know that by the laws of Mexico and the Santa Iglesia all such fines go to the church."

BRUNO. A buena hora, mangas verdes ... téngala usted, D. Eduardo ... así ... ya llegó al suelo ... y corren como gamos ... y ya llegan a la iglesia ... y ya entran y ... Dios los haga buenos casados ... quitémonos ahora de la reja ... cerrémosla ... y cuidemos antes de todo de esconder el espadín de acero. DOÑA MATILDE. ¡Lo que tarda en encenderse esta lumbre! DON EDUARDO. Si no soplas derecho.

La una era de la Vulgata que se podria hacer otra mejor, y yo le dije riendo: pues quieren atar las manos á Dios que no pueda hacer un profeta en su iglesia. Y la otra era que los Cantares eran Carmen amatorium, y le dije: Carmen amatorium ni dice bien ni mal. Si dice Carmen amatorium carnale, eso es mal; pero si dice Carmen amatorium spirituale, eso verdad es.