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"The thing," she said, "has come about in this way we have all enough to live upon, and so many women worsen their condition by marriage, instead of bettering it, that we made up our minds to live comfortably on what we have got, and not trouble our heads about the men. We live very happily together, and are all socialists, radicals, libres penseuses and the rest.

It was not even unmetrical poetry; that century is full of great phrases, often spoken on the spur of great moments, which have in them the throb and recurrence of song, as of a man thinking to a tune. Nelson's "In honour I gained them, in honour I will die with them," has more rhythm than much that is called vers libres.

As late as the middle of the seventeenth century a young unfortunate poet, in spite of the interest of powerful friends, was hung and burnt at Paris. This was young Pierre Petit, the author of La B celeste, chansons et autres Poesies libres. His productions were certainly infamous and scandalous, but that was no reason why the poet should have been hanged.

'Sans doute, said the esteemed veteran of French literature in pronouncing his award, 'sans doute les opinions sont libres, mais' It is precisely against this mais ushering in the special anathematized or consecrated conclusion which it is intended to except from the general liberty of enforcing or impugning in matters of philosophical discussion, that Mr Mill, in the 'Essay on Liberty, declares war as champion of Reasoned Truth.

Leading me mysteriously aside, he showed certificates from the officials at Le Plateau, dating from 1859, recommending him strongly as a shipbroker for collecting emigrants libres, and significantly adding, les negres ne manquent pas. Petit Denis's face was a study when I told him that, being an Englishman, a dozen negroes were not worth to me a single "Njina."

The ouvriers libres deserted and fled in all directions, for fear of being "put in a cannibal pot" and being eaten by the white anthropophagi. The history of missionary enterprise in the Congo regions is not less interesting than the slave-trade.

I believe my friend Kreuningen admits nobody now to his table, for fear of their communicating the plague to him, or at least the bite of a mad dog. Pray profit of the entrees libres that the French Ambassador has given you; frequent him, and SPEAK to him. I think you will not do amiss to call upon Mr.

On the contrary, it is noticeable that the latitudinarians, the libres penseurs, and the indifferent on the subject of religion, stand in the forefront of all our national movements. Seeing that to belong to it is in most cases heroism, and in many martyrdom, what is it that attracts these Jews so forcibly to their people?

Thus on some days we give ourselves up to sport, so that with the greater zeal we may afterwards return to the worship of God." A Méray, La Vie au Temps des Libres Prêcheurs, vol. ii, Ch. X. A good and scholarly account of the Feast of Fools is given by E.K. Chambers, The Mediæval Stage, Ch. XIII. It is true that the Church and the early Fathers often anathematized the theatre.

"Oh," Jacques replied, caressing Poulette's haunches with his whip-lash. "It's the priests; they were too grasping. They are avaricious, that's what they are. They want everything for themselves. And a fete ca coule, vous savez. Besides, the spirit of the times has changed. People aren't so devout now. Libres penseurs that's the fashion now. Hola, Poulette!" Poulette responded.