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I have seen the tooth of a Mastodon from the Salado; a little northward of this river, on the borders of a lake near the G. del Monte, I saw many bones, and one large piece of dermal armour; higher up the Salado, there is a place called Monte "Huesos." Signor Angelis, in a letter which I have seen, refers to some great remains found in Buenos Ayres, at a depth of twenty varas from the surface.

One day, the boatswain, who was determined to solve this question if possible, having mounted to the extreme top, not without risk of breaking his neck, came into such violent contact with a quebranta huesos a sort of gigantic petrel measuring twelve feet with spread wings that he was flung on his back.

It was built by don Miguel de Mañara, who rests in the chancel, with the inscription over him: 'Aqui jacen los huesos y ceñizas del peor hombre que ha habido en el mundo; ruegan por el' 'Here lie the bones and ashes of the worst man that has ever been in the world; pray for him. But like all Andalusians he was a braggart; for a love of chocolate, which appears to have been his besetting sin, is insufficient foundation for such a vaunt: a vice of that order is adequately punished by the corpulence it must occasion.

In a few minutes I saw a body of them enter the coffee-house marching arm in arm, two by two, stamping on the ground with their feet in a kind of measure, and repeating in loud chorus as they walked round the spacious apartment, the following grisly stanza: "Que es lo que abaja Por aquel cerro? Ta ra ra ra ra. Son los huesos de Quesada, Que los trae un perro Ta ra ra ra ra."

Y aunque las palabras y razones y autoridades de doctores con que el autor procede, no sean en malas; pero piden auditorio muy pio, muy docto y muy atento para no tomar de aquí ocasion á tener en poco nuestra Biblia latina, y errar.... Mas no todas las verdades se han de sacar á plaza, ni todos los oyentes son capaces dellas; y por doctrina suelen sacar errores y escándalo, y tal es esto: porque el oficio del teólogo en públicas lecciones no era desnudar sino vestir cuanto pudiese la edicion que el concilio aprueba, y no dejarla tan en los huesos como la deja, que es todo lo posible sin ser hereje, ni tener nota de error, temeridad ó sospecha en la fe, ni ser proposiciones escandalosas.