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Hoyle, of the Democrats, seconded the nomination, as also did Eaton, in a speech wherein he defended the course of Ridgway and withdrew his name. Within a few minutes of the time that Eaton sat down, the roll had been called and Hobart elected by a vote of seventy-three to twenty-four, the others refusing to cast a ballot.

"You're sure it's according to Hoyle?" asked Jowett quizzically. He was so delighted that he felt he must "make the Mayor show off self," as he put it afterwards. He did not miscalculate; the Mayor rose to his challenge. "I'm boss of this show," he said, "and I can go it alone if necessary when the town's in danger and the law's being hustled.

Wood and Westhead, of Piccadilly. Next, to go over one of the leading Cotton Mills, say Briley's or Houldsworth's; then Messrs. Lockett's establishment for engraving the plates used in calico-printing, and Messrs. Thomas Hoyle and Son's print works. This work completed, the traveller will have some idea of Manchester, not without.

I happened to come home several hours before my usual time, when I found four gentlemen of the cloth at whist by my fire; and my Hoyle, sir my best Hoyle, which cost me a guinea, lying open on the table, with a quantity of porter spilt on one of the most material leaves of the whole book.

Quimbleton assisted his wife to get out, and they sat down for a few minutes' rest under the tree. "What a heavenly spot!" cried Theodolinda, "I wonder where we are?" "Somewhere in New Jersey," said her husband. "I don't understand what was the matter with the air. It didn't act according to Hoyle." They gazed about them in some surprise at the opulent beauty of the scene.

I don't believe it's according to Hoyle, as the regulations are written. But he's doing it. And I want to know it's the biggest thing I EVER wanted to know did you kill Barkley?" "O'Connor, if you don't believe a dying man's word you haven't much respect for death, have you?" "That's the theory on which the law works, but sometimes it ain't human. Confound it, man, did you?" "Yes."

"I was one of these scouts; and Doctor Hoyle, remembering that his motor car had been left behind in his home garage, told me to look for it. We scouted in pairs, and Dombey, a young undergraduate, accompanied me. We had to cross half a mile of the residence portion of the city to get to Doctor Hoyle's home.

You see, the Faculty always insisted on regulating athletics more or less and on organizing things for us didn't believe we mere college youths could get an organization together according to Hoyle, or whoever drew up the rules of disorder in college societies, without the help of some skyscraper-browed professor. So they saw fit to organize what they called a general athletic association.

Cruickshank went home and wrote a challenge to Innes, and Innes went home and wrote one to Cruickshank. They met and fought at Laurencekirk: Major C. Robertson, Kindface, Invergordon, was Cruickshank's second, and Dr Hoyle, Montrose, was in attendance as surgeon. was Innes's second, and Dr Skene, Aberdeen, his surgeon.

A few of us boys seen how things was framed an' we took the liberty to turn you loose, not because we cared a damn about you, but we'd hate to see even a snake hung fer killin' Purdy which his folks done a wrong to humanity by raisin' him. "The way the thing is now, if the boys plays the game accordin' to Hoyle, there won't be no posses out huntin' you 'cause folks will all think you was lynched.