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He wasn't wondering if he himself should ever meet and love such a lady; but rather when he should be able so to portray in a human face all the secrets of the body and of the soul. At lunch his uncle, remarking his earnest face, said regretfully: "Oh, Peter, why couldn't you be content to be a rich man and play the game according to Hoyle? Art? Of course!

It was this white soap, just the color of the step, and when I got it spread I went down in the basement. The visitors came out and Pa was trying to explain to them, about Hoyle, when one of the deacons stepped on the soap and his feet flew up and he struck on his pants and slid down the steps.

We girls like flowers, and mental indigestibles, and occasional Sundays. We do not know why we do, but we do, and we cannot help it, and if you are going to make love according to Hoyle you must recognize this fact, and pamper us in our folly. Don't we pamper you? Now I know perfectly well how some of you are going to work at it. You will begin by thinking, "Yes, that's true.

Thomas Castlewood, or Hoyle, or whatever else his name was, here broke off from his miserable words, and, forgetting all about my presence, set his gloomy eyes on the ground. Lightly he might try to speak, but there was no lightness in his mind, and no spark of light in his poor dead soul.

He revered the memory of Hoyle, as he was himself an admirable and imperturbable whist-player, and he chuckled with delight at a fretful and impatient adversary. He adored King Herod for his massacre of the innocents; and if he hated one thing more than another, it was a child.

He flushed underneath the tan, but very plainly with pleasure. "Your opinions are right contrary to Hoyle, ma'am. Aren't you aware that a sheepman is the lowest thing that walks? Ask Mr. McWilliams." "I have known stockmen of that opinion, but " The foreman's sentence was never finished. From a clump of bushes a hundred yards away came the crack of a rifle.

'Nobody is to ask me how I like my own picture! The Tunbridge children 'That thing Hoyle has done of you, said Lord Borrodaile, deliberately, 'is a very brilliant and a very misleading performance. 'Thank you. Filey and Lord John, in spite of her interdiction, were pursuing the subject of the much-discussed portrait. 'It certainly is one aspect of you

You see that point yonder? Well, there's a hollow there and bushes all around. That's where I'm going to dress him. I've got his clothes all right and a name for him. This thing is a-goin' to come off accordin' to Hoyle, Ivanhoe, Four-Quarters-of-Beef, and all them mediaeval fellows. Just watch me!" I began to get newly interested, for that knight's name I suddenly recalled.

Later in the evening Regimental Sergeant-Major Hoyle came to see us in B Company Officers' Mess, as he frequently does by invitation, and told us that it was now official that we were to move by motor-bus at 7 this morning; so we all decided to go to bed. We got up at 4.30 this morning and had breakfast.