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Miss Singer had collected her usual six men during the intermission with as many bright glances, and was being admired properly and according to Hoyle, when Jim up and remarks, in his megaphone bass: "Say, Sall, you're a great work of art, but the time you made a hit with me was the day you slid down the banisters at school."

She thought of comfort in the severe winters of that high latitude, but elegance and luxury had no more significance in her life. Hoyle made his suggestions as to changes and adaptations, and, receiving her approval, he went on to show her what had been already accomplished.

Wily opponents with trump cards in their hands and a profound knowledge ofHoylesmilingly offer them seats. Having acquired in a home game a knowledge ofbluff,” our friends plunge with delight into the fray, only to find English society so formed that, climb they never so wisely, the top can never be reached.

"'Far away from his dear old Texas, We laid him down to rest; With his saddle for a pillow, And his gun across his breast. "Then Peets gets out the Scriptures. 'I'm goin' to read a chapter outen these yere Testaments, he says. 'I ain't makin' no claim for it, except it's part of the game an' accordin' to Hoyle.

But farmers in that land are poor, and Mr. Hoyle could give his only child his blessing only. And this he did in London, where his simple mind was all abroad, and he knew not church from chapel. He took his daughter for the wife of a lord, and so she took herself, poor thing! when she was but his concubine. In 1809 such tricks were easily played by villains upon young girls so simple.

Viking has done it noble.... Now, here's what I'm goin' to do: I'm goin' to open bottles for all that'll drink success to Viking. A place that's stood by my pal, I stand by but not with his money, mind you! No, that goes to you, Padre, for hospital purposes. My gift an' his.... So, sit down and write a receipt, or whatever it's called, accordin' to Hoyle, and you'll do me proud."

"Isn't that according to Hoyle?" "No, nor according to Cheiro, either," tartly. "Hold your palm steady so that I can see more clearly. It's a scar, isn't it?" "Yes." Mrs. Whitney and Senator Foster were closely following Miss Kiametia's words, and neither saw the perplexed frown which wrinkled Kathleen's forehead as she stared down at Miller's right hand. She was distinctly puzzled.

Hoyle and Thomas Hoyle we called ourselves when we wanted names; and I did not even know the story of our wrongs till the heat and fury of youth were past. Both for her own sake and mine my mother concealed it from me. Pride and habit, perhaps, had dulled her just desire for vengeance; and, knowing what I was, she feared the thing which has befallen me.

He drew special attention to it in a communication to Lord Glenelg, in the course of which he made use of language which must have almost stunned the conventional and decorous Colonial Secretary. "I am aware," he wrote, "that the answer may be cavilled at in Downing Street, for I know it is not exactly according to Hoyle.

The actions of such men as Warden Hoyle and of such women as Matron Smith will probably have more to do with helping these convicted ones to lead upright lives in the future than will all the preaching of celebrated divines from now to doomsday, and I, a Christian, do not hesitate for one moment to say so frankly.