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A whole row of hands shot up. "Please teacher, that was last Christmas!" announced the class reproachfully. With shame Desire noticed that the lessons in the Quarterly were dated. But she was regaining something of her ordinary poise. "You ought to know it, even if it is," she remarked firmly. This was more according to Hoyle. The little boy's hand answered it. "'Tain't review Sunday, teacher."

You can never know the impression made on me by this humble request; my only regret may be readily surmised. How I do praise God that he put it into the heart and mind of the present matron, Mrs. Genevieve Gardner-Smith, to appeal to kind-hearted Warden Hoyle and the board of prison directors for a special concession in behalf of all the well-behaved women prisoners.

"'Whatever is the matter with counter-brandin' them tunes over to Merino's license? says Dave. "'Can't do it nohow, says the alcalde. "'Well, is this yere ord'nance accordin' to Hoyle an' the Declaration of Independence? says Dave. 'I don't stand it none onless. "'Shore! says the alcalde. "'Ante an' pass the buck, then, says Dave.

All the 58, however, subscribed to that main portion of the Testimony which consisted in an enumeration, and condemnation of certain "abominable errors, damnable heresies, and horrid blasphemies." Among the seventeen members of Assembly so subscribing were Dr. Gouge of Blackfriars, ex-Prolocutor of the same; Dr. Hoyle of Stepney, Dr. Tuckney, and Messrs.

"We're all in this together, J. C., and that's why I insisted on you being here to see that everything is according to Hoyle." "Aint getting cold feet already are you?" An easy laugh was Mr. Podmore's only rejoinder to this insult. They both watched Alderson, who had swung open the door of the safe and was reaching into its depths.

Hoyle, the Director of the Museum, in his admirable description of the case in which these pretty little objects are shown, explains that they are arranged to show the evolution of the lovespoon from the normal spoon.

"That's all very pious and according to Hoyle," said Captain Riggs, breaking into wrath as Meeker finished his prayer over the body of Trego. "But I'd have you know, sir, that the Kut Sang is no bally chapel, and I don't take murder aboard me as a regular custom, and let it go at that. Somebody will have to answer for this at the end of a rope, or my name's not Riggs.

Oughtn't I to have said it?" "It wasn't what you said. There wasn't anything so dead wrong in that. You could talk about such creatures all you wanted, I suppose, and still not commit anything that wasn't right according to Hoyle. It was the way you handed it out that got my goat so completely!" He gurgled reminiscently.

"The following," continued Allingford, referring to the paper which he held in his hand, "have been chosen to act as the Sports Committee: Myself chairman, Oaks, Acton, Rowland, Parkes, Redfern, and Hoyle. "The two former librarians, Clarkson and Lang, have been re-elected.

"Why shouldn't he hold a job, Abe?" Morris asked. "If I would have a crackerjack drummer, for my part he could play the whole book of Hoyle, from klabbias to stuss, and it wouldn't affect me none so long as he sold the goods." "Maybe you're right, Mawruss," Abe admitted. "But when a feller fools away his time at auction pinochle his business is bound to suffer."