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"And I dare say you heard her say the child was not her own, that she was paid well for it, eh?" "Noa; my missus did not loike me to chaffer much with neighbour Joplin, for she was but a bad 'un, pretty fease, too. "Oho! that is the gent who was asking after Mrs. Joplin?" "Yes; and he giv' me half-a-croon!" said the clever hostler, holding out his hand. Mr.

"And I dare say you heard her say the child was not her own, that she was paid well for it, eh?" "Noa; my missus did not loike me to chaffer much with neighbour Joplin, for she was but a bad 'un, pretty fease, too. "Oho! that is the gent who was asking after Mrs. Joplin?" "Yes; and he giv' me half-a-croon!" said the clever hostler, holding out his hand. Mr.

"A' mind o' Clockie gettin' five shillin's ae day," remarked Jamie Soutar, who was at the Free Kirk that morning; "he hed started Dr. Chalmers wi' the minister; Dr. Guthrie he coontit to be worth aboot half-a-croon; but he aince hed three shillin's oot o' the Cardross case. He wes graund on the doctrine o' speeritual independence, and terrible drouthy; but a 'm interruptin' ye, Elspeth."

"Weel, ye see, sir, your college is a great expense to heumble fowk like oorsels, and we hae to mak it up the best way that we can." "Nae doot. Hoo muckle do ye want?" "Wad ye think five shillins ower muckle?" "'Deed wad I." "Weel, we'll say three than�-to you, sir." "I winna gie ye mair nor half-a-croon." "Hoot, sir! It's ower little."

Sandy an' me was doon at the hall on the back o' seven o'clock, an' we got set doon at the end o' ane o' the farrest-forrit sixpenny seats, an' got a lean on the back o' ane o' the shilliny anes. We was gey gled we gaed doon early, for the hall was foo juist in a clap; an' gin aucht o'clock, Sandy tells me, they were offerin' half-a-croon to get their lug to the keyhole. It was an awfu' crush.