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Costrell, I call it splendid what John's done I do," 'ee says. "A labourer on fifteen shillins a week why it's an example to the country," 'ee says. "'Ee ought to be showed." John's face relaxed. The temper and obstinacy in the eyes began to yield to the weak complacency which was their more normal expression. There was silence for a minute or two.

'That's all yo know about it, miss, said David, in a tone, however, of high good humour; and, stretching one of his hands down a little further into his trousers pocket, he drew out a paper-covered book, so that just the top of it appeared. 'Yo're allus naggin about books. Well; I tell yo, I've got an idea out o' thissen ull be worth shillins a week to me. It's about Benjamin Franklin.

"Weel, ye see, sir, your college is a great expense to heumble fowk like oorsels, and we hae to mak it up the best way that we can." "Nae doot. Hoo muckle do ye want?" "Wad ye think five shillins ower muckle?" "'Deed wad I." "Weel, we'll say three than�-to you, sir." "I winna gie ye mair nor half-a-croon." "Hoot, sir! It's ower little."

Never yo mind who Benjamin Franklin wor; but he wor a varra cute soart of a felly; an when he wor yoong, an had nobbut a few shillins a week, he made shift to save soom o' them shillins, becos he found he could do without eatin flesh meat, an that wi bread an meal an green stuff, a mon could do very well, an save soom brass every week.

The cloth would be five shillins, an' the beads a shillin'. I have some braid 'at would do fine for the front, but the buttons would be sax-pence." "Ye're sure o' that?" "I ken fine, for I got Leeby to price the things in the shop." "Ay, but it maun be ill to shape the cloaks richt. There was a queer cut aboot that ane Peter Dickie's new wife had on."

'It shall mak noa difference to tha, a tell tha, he cried hastily, putting up his hand, fearing he knew not what, 'nobbut a few shillins ony way. I'll work for tha an mak it up. She made a sound which turned him cold with terror a sound of baffled weakness, pain, vindictive passion all in one then she fell helplessly to one side in her chair, and her grey head dropped on her shoulder.

"It's very little for a year's hard labor," replied Bartle, "but little as it is, Fardorougha, owin' to what has happened betwixt us, believe me, I'm right glad to take it." "Well, but Bartle, you know there's fifteen shillins of the ould account still due, and you must allow it out o' your wages; if you don't, it's no bargain."

There wor a time when my little store was as good a gold mine as you could turn up in Californey; I could get any kind of a price for goods; and New England rum, what I liquidated with a sprinklin of Jamaica, sold as quick as gold-dust at fifteen shillins a gallon. "Here, by the way of diversifying the conversation, I inquired if he remembered the Queen, in the way of duties paid!

'Wal, I'm not a mill-hand, onyways, he said, shortly, 'an I doan't mean to be. 'Noa, yo're too lazy, said Louie shrilly, from the top of the gate. 'Theer's heaps o' boys no bigger nor yo, arns their ten shillins a week. 'They're welcome, said David laconically, throwing another stone at the water to keep his hand in.

Bo dodda, I won't go near them: sure they'd hang me for shootin' Bonypart. Aha!" "Must the answer be brought back today, Art?" "Oh! It wouldn't do to-morrow, at all. Be dodda, no! Five shillins, your dinner, an' a quart of sthrong beer! Aha! But you must give me a shillin' or two, to buy a sword; for the Square's goin' to make me a captain: thin I'll be grand! an' I'll make you a sargin'."