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But I was mistaken; I was lying broad awake, and the voice clearly had come from the next room, and was distinctly audible over the transom. "I've had enough of it," he said, "and I'm givin' ye now this night yer last chance. Quit this hotel and that woman, and go back to Gilead and marry Polly. Don't do it and I'll kill ye, ez sure ez you sit there gapin' in that chair.

And anon or about that time they made their rounds, and come back where Josiah and I stood. I reached up a handkerchief to Selinda as quick as I could, but she couldn't wipe her eyes or tend to her nose until she dismounted, or fix the gapin' kasum at the back of her waist. She greeted me warmly the minit her feet touched terry firmy, as one might who had come out of great peril.

Politicks and such stuff set 'em a gapin, like children in a chimbley corner listenen to tales of ghosts, Salem witches, and Nova Scotia snowstorms; and while they stand starin and yawpin all eyes and mouth, they get their pockets picked of every cent that's in 'em.

Almira shook her head, to show her utter inability to guess what Janie's latest notion might be. "Well, she got an idee that we was all behind the times up here, an' needed a leetle fixin' up, an' she wondered ef she could slip inter the chink an' fill the place she thought she see a gapin', an' take in a leetle money at the same time.

There's Mister and Missus Squires and Deacon Rider, and Missus Rider and little Joe Rider, and there's Huldey Ameliar Dickson and Marthy Ann, and a hull lot more." "Moses Spriggins, are you a-takin' leave of your senses to be a-standin' gapin' with your mouth open instead of runnin' to the door and a-showin' 'em into the best room, and I'm not fit to be seen. It's allus the way.

He screamed, and struck wildly at the cold cruel marble, and found it was soft, yielding netting after all. But it was a worse horror to find that he had thought it marble than if he had found it to be marble. He sprang from his cot. "I am going mad," he cried. "Goin'?... Gorn, more like," observed the disrobing room-corporal. "Why donchew keep orf the booze, Maffewson? You silly gapin' goat.

"It's a purple shame that you should ha' been took sick when he was mowed down, and that some one else should be healin' 'is gapin' wounds besides 'is lawful wife, and 'er a rifle-shot away! It's a fair shame, that's wot it is. But all's well as ends well, and you're together at the finish." She shrank from his last words.

"Get my horn out of that carriage," she ordered. "Don't stand there gapin'. Get it." The ear trumpet was resurrected from the interior of the vehicle. The widow adjusted it with dignity. "Had a spill, didn't you, Debby?" inquired the blacksmith. "Upset, didn't you?" Debby glared at him. "No," she replied with sarcasm. "Course I didn't upset!

We grew every moment more impatient. "Come!" cried one; "hang it! they're far enough now. They're not a-goin' to be gapin' back all the way. They're looking ahead, I'm bound. Golly! thar's fine shines afore them." We could resist no longer. We called out to the vidette. He could just see the heads of the hindmost. "That will do," cried Seguin; "come, take your horses!"

And then, suddenly, she stifled an exclamation, as the Pug's voice reached her again: "Wot are youse gapin' about? Dere ain't anything else worth pinchin' around here except wot's in de old gent's safety vault. Get a move on! We ain't got all night! It's de corner behind de washstand. Give us a hand to move de furniture!" It wasn't here behind the cretonne hanging!