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Sam laughed the sort of laugh a pal 'ad once give him a black eye for. "Twenty pounds!" he ses; "twenty pounds! 'Ave you gorn out of your mind, or wot? I'll give you a couple of quid for it." "Well, it's all right, captin," ses the man, "there's no 'arm done. I'll try somebody else or p'r'aps there'll be a big reward for it. I don't believe it was bought for a 'undred pounds."

'Where's Harlow go to, then? he demanded of Philpot. ''E wasn't 'ere just now, when I came up. ''E's gorn downstairs, sir, out the back, replied Joe, jerking his thumb over his shoulder and winking at Hunter. ''E'll be back in 'arf a mo. And indeed at that moment Harlow was just coming upstairs again. ''Ere, we can't allow this kind of thing in workin' hours, you know. Hunter bellowed.

Further discussion on this subject was prevented by Sawkins' arrival, nearly a quarter of an hour late. 'Oh, you 'ave come, then, sneered Crass. 'Thought p'raps you'd gorn for a 'oliday. Sawkins muttered something about oversleeping himself, and having hastily put on his apron, he went upstairs with Harlow. 'Now, let's see, Crass said, addressing Philpot.

He stared vacantly about him, first up the street and then down, looked hard at a post in front of the hotel, then stared up and down the street again. At last he walked over, and, addressing the passengers in a body, said, "Did any of you's see e'er a horse anywheres? I left my prad here, and he's gorn." A bystander, languidly cutting up a pipeful of tobacco, jerked his elbow down the road.

"I've been eating and drinking all day; it seems a pity to give it up now." "I'll mike yer one," she remarked, nodding her head. "Mrs. Oldbury's gorn out shoppin'." She disappeared down the kitchen stairs, and opening the door of my room I discovered the letter she had referred to stuck up on the mantelpiece. I took it down with some curiosity.

I tell you what it is, William, my old companion, there's a bad time coming for the Headmaster if he doesn't mind what he's doing. He must learn that life is stern and life is earnest, William. Has Gethryn come back yet? 'Mr Gethryn 'e's gorn out on to the field, Mr Marriott. 'E come 'arf an hour ago. 'Oh! Right. Thanks. Goodbye, William.

They had neither killed nor Seen any Elk. they informed us that the Elk had all gorn off to the mountains a considerable distance from us. this is unwelcom information and reather alarming. we have only two days provisions on hand and that nearly Spoiled. we made up a Small assortment of Articles to trade with the Indians, and directed Sergt Natl.

Durioin the Souls interpeter to the Camp with derections to invite the Principal Chiefs to councel with us at a Bluff above Called the Calumet- two of those Indians accompanied them and the third continued in the Boat Showing an inclination to Continue, this boy is a Mahar, and inform that his nation, were gorn to the Parnias to make a peace with that nation.

She began to quieten down a bit, although little sobs, like wimmen use when they pretend that they want to leave off crying but can't, kept breaking out of 'er. Then, by and by, she quieted down altogether and a husky voice from near the foot of the bed ses: "Has it gorn?" "Oh, Bill," she ses, with another sob, "I've seen the ghost!" "Has it gorn?" ses Bill, agin.

I thought I should ha' gorn out o' my mind. It was just a little tinkle at first, then another tinkle, but, as I stood there all in the dark and cold trying to make up my mind to take no notice of it, it began to ring like mad. I 'ad to go I've known men climb over the gate afore now and I didn't want to be caught in that dock.