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"Well," said the contractor, winking at Bob, "I told everybody who asked that we were digging for 'Hidden Treasure, and do you know, some of them believed me." "That's right," said Bob, "we are digging for 'Hidden Treasure, and what's more, Mr. Brady, we're finding it."

During all the time of his visit, the little Indian girl had kept her large black eyes fixed upon him, almost without winking, watching every movement with awe and wonder; and as he rode off, remained gazing after him, motionless as a statue.

Only you look out, if ever" and before he had finished winking, the door was shut behind him. Then Ruth said to me in the simplest manner, "You have ridden far today, Cousin Ridd; and have far to ride to get home again. What will dear Aunt Ridd say, if we send you away without nourishment?

How the sexual consciousness of a great proportion of our young people is being awakened, the curious reader may see for himself if he will expend a few pennies weekly for a month or so upon the halfpenny or penny "comic" papers which are bought so eagerly by boys. They begin upon the facts of sex as affairs of nodding and winking, of artful innuendo and scuffles in the dark.

It held its tail in its mouth, locking the box securely. Its eyes were two great moonstones that appeared to look up at me with half-blind amusement winking at the wisdom they had forgotten and the fear that I was feeling. I touched the box and drew my hand away in pain. It was colder than cold. Desolate, burning cold. It was two hours before the box became warm enough or cool enough to touch.

I've told them it was none of their business what you folks did; that you could afford to hunt for buried treasure, or buried beans, or buried anything else, if you wanted to. And if you'll report one of them even winking disrespectful, or showing the trace of a grin, I'll set him and his ditty bag ashore so quick " "Thank you, Captain," breaks in Mr.

This ain't a public 'ighway, I ses; 'it's a wharf. "'Bill, he ses, 'you're a genius. "'If Miss Lamb comes 'ere asking arter you, I ses, 'I shall say you've gone out for the evening. "'Wot about her letter? he ses. "'You didn't 'ave it, I ses, winking at 'im. "'And suppose she waits about outside for me, and Mrs. Plimmer wants me to take 'er out? he ses, shivering.

Pigg smiled, but she didn't say anything, and went after the bathing suits, while Buddy and Brighteyes wondered what was going to happen. Percival ran out, winking first one eye and then the other, and not both together, like some dollies do when they go to sleep, and he gave three short barks and a long one, just to show how glad he felt to be doing something.

At times, with him, it was despair, but of that brave kind one loves to see never a quiver of the lip, no winking of the eyes to keep tears back. And I, although of a people who express everything in every way, I understood what passed within him and found time to sorrow for him.

Iachimo as accurately described the roof of the chamber, and added, "I had almost forgot her andirons, they were two winking Cupids made of silver, each on one foot standing." He then took out the bracelet, and said, "Know you this jewel, sir? She gave me this. She took it from her arm. I see her yet; her pretty action did out-sell her gift, and yet enriched it too.