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"The chimbley smoked," interjected the widow, feeling free to disparage her own "prope'ty," though she would have resented such a remark from another. "That could be fixed, I reckon. When I saw it from the stage, coming, I thought it was just like a doll-house, or a child's playhouse." "Huh! You did, did you? Well, let me tell you, Katharine Maitland, that house is a good one.

And wouldn't myself have been the one to be helping you in the farm rearing the powlts, milkin' the cow, makin' the iligant butther, with lavings of butthermilk for the pigs the sow thriving, and the cocks and hens cheering your heart with their cacklin' the hank o' yarn on the wheel, and a hank of ingins up the chimbley oh! there's where the Providence would have been that would have been Providence indeed! but never tell me that Providence turned you out of the house; that was your own goostherumfoodle."

'Have you found Heathcliff, you ass? interrupted Catherine. 'Have you been looking for him, as I ordered? 'I sud more likker look for th' horse, he replied. 'It 'ud be to more sense. Bud I can look for norther horse nur man of a neeght loike this as black as t' chimbley! und Heathcliff's noan t' chap to coom at my whistle happen he'll be less hard o' hearing wi' ye!

It's a white house with a big chimbley and two stoops, and thar's a big barn with two white hosses in it, and a cow and an animal in the paster lot. A big pen of pigs, fifty hens in the henhouse, and a few sheep. Thar's a piece of woods and the river." "I'm a little fearful of the river on Iry's account," said Mrs.

There was a time when I uset to behave fine for a month previous to December twenty-fifth, for the priv'lige of seein' Uncle Santy Claus tumble down the chimbley; and I want to say right here that all the good times I have seen sence ain't got near enough to them good times to catch their dust.

Lucky fo' him he grabbed dat chimbley!" Tom and his father looked to where Eradicate pointed, and saw a strange sight. A small biplane-airship had become entangled in some of the aerials of Tom's wireless apparatus, and the craft had turned turtle, being held from falling by some of the wire braces.

'Here's a tacker, I said, 'can climb up to the top of Emmanuel's in his sleep, and I've been wasting money and temper on them that won't go up an ord'nary chimbley when they're wideawake, 'ithout I lights a furze-bush underneath to hurry them." "I trust," put in Miss Plinlimmon, aghast, "you are jesting, Mr. Trapp?" "Jesting, ma'am?"

"Chimbley's on fire!" somebody else shouted, having just caught the word chimney, and everybody began to run back to the house. "No, you idiots!" roared Lally; "but, by my sowl, if it isn't Turly's head that's perked up on the chimbley as if it was Cromwell's head on Newgate!" Screams followed. Nurse Nancy, who was of the party, dropped on the road, and Walsh had to stop and hold her.

His wife's an excitable kind of a woman, and she's sent him off lickety-split after the doctor without looking to see what the matter was. There hain't never been anybody hurt at our depot, and it don't stand to reason " "Oliver Bolton, will you hush that noise?" shrieked his wife. "If the world was burnin' up you'd say it was nothing but a chimbley on fire som'er's."

"Hullo, yourself!" came from off the ice of the lake, as the well-known old hunter strode forward. "Thought I'd find you to hum by the look of the smoke from your chimbley." "Where did you come from, Fairview?" "Yes, got letters fer all of you." "Oh, letters!" was the cry, and then all the young hunters rushed forward to shake hands and escort the old hunter into the shelter.