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'The others are so big that when the dolls sit on them their legs go all over the top of the table instead of underneath. 'I know, said Alie, 'that's how mine used to do when I was a little girl and played with our doll-house. But mamma got some for me from Germany all the proper size, on purpose. The doll-house was really very pretty then. Celestina looked up with eager eyes.

Francis was beginning to feel like a brute, which may have been what his wife intended. "That's very kind of you," he managed to say. "You're sure you are not too tired for any of that?" "Being tired isn't going to count, is it?" she asked, smiling. "No, I don't mind doing it. It will be like playing with a doll-house. You know, I love this little place."

If you were going to have a doll-house, and your papa should allow you to tell the carpenter just how you would like it made, I suppose you would say: "I want a window here and a door there; and I want a little mite of a bell that the dollies who come to the front door can ring.

Then like a small child trotting with infinite relief to its own doll-house she trotted over to her bureau, extracted the lace corset-cover, and came back with it in her hand to lean across Zillah Forsyth's shoulder again and watch the men's faces go slipping off into oblivion. Once again, abruptly without warning, she halted the process with a breathless exclamation.

We girls, as before, were loud in our wailings, and offered to forgive him the depredations in the doll-house and all his teasings, if only he would not go away and be scalped by the Indians. Mother said little, but her anxious look, as she recalled the perils of the former trip, spoke volumes.

And has Maida a little theater of her own and a doll-house as big as a cottage?” Laura asked. “Yes.” “And did she have a May-party last year that she invited over four hundred children to?” Harold asked. “Yes.” “And did you give her her weight in silver dollars once?” Mabel asked. “Yes.” “And a family of twenty dolls?” Dorothy asked. “Yes, you shall see all these things when we come back,” Mr.

Children got less praised 'then-a-days, as a little friend of mine calls long ago, for their parents were exceedingly afraid of spoiling them, and the thought of taking any credit to herself had never entered the child's mind. 'I do hope, she went on, 'that Biddy's papa will be nearly quite well by her birthday. It'll come in a month, you know, mother, and the doll-house is almost quite ready.

Knowing what she is you ought to have looked after her better than you've done." "How could I have looked after her?" "How? Why, as any other man would. You should have made her work, work with her 'ands, as I told you, 'stead of giving her her head, like you did, and lettin' her sit bone-idle in that gimcrack doll-house of yours from morning till night. Why, you should have taken a stick to her.

The little girls looked at Take's dolls. They thought the doll-house the most beautiful toy they had ever seen, and when they saw the garden, you can't think how happy they were! "We wish our brothers would make gardens like that for us," they said. Taro felt proud and pleased to have them like it so much, but all he said was, "It is very polite of you to praise my poor work!"

She picked up pins, she opened doors, she shut windows, she raised shades, she closed shutters, she ran errands, she delivered messages, she practised scales, she studied lessons, she set her doll-house in order and replaced her toys, she washed her face and brushed her hair, she picked currants and stoned raisins, she hung up her skipping-rope and fastened her sash; and so she went on from one thing to another until she was almost ready to cry with weariness and fatigue.