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There was really no need fot it, and, since its presence meant danger, it was only prudent to dispense with it altogether. For fully a half hour not the slightest movement or disturbance at the opening betrayed the presence of any one there, although there could be no doubt that their enemies were within call.

"I'll come," said the Doctor, without rising; "just write your name and address on that little white slate yonder." "Toctor," said the German, extending and dipping his hat, "I'm ferra much a-velcome to you, Toctor; undt tat's yoost fot te pottekerra by mine corner sayt you vould too.

The Ambassage which king Iohn the second, king of Portugall, sent to Edward the fourth king of England, which in part was to stay one Iohn Tintam, and one William Fabian English men, from proceeding in a voyage which they were preparing fot Guinea, 1481, taken out of the booke of the workes of Garcias de Resende, which intreateth of the life and acts of Don Iohn the second, king of Portugall.

This may be looked upon as a "lucky accident," for if foti had become fote, fot before the -i had had the chance to exert a retroactive influence on the o, there would have been no difference between the singular and the plural. This would have been anomalous in Anglo-Saxon for a masculine noun. But was the sequence of phonetic changes an "accident"? Consider two further facts.

Pride at the sensation caused by his news struggled in his countenance with genuine sorrow for the matter of it. "Ay, yo' may well 'earken all on yo'. Tis enough to mak' the deadies listen. I says agin: We's'll no rin oor Bob fot' Cup. And yo' may guess why. Bain't every mon, Mr.

Richlun, iss teh mayn! teh mayn fot I kin trust!" The baker's middle parts bent out and his arms were drawn akimbo. Thus for ten seconds. "'Undt now, Mr. Richlun, do you kot teh shtrengdt for to shtart a noo pissness? Pecause, Toctor, udt pin seem to me Mr. So ten he sayss to me, 'Mister Reisen, I am yoost so sollut undt shtrong like a pilly-coat! Fot is teh noo pissness? 'Mr.

The profoundest chords of his moral nature were stirred. "Professor," he said, in a voice of solemn warning, "Are you aware that, if you have succeeded, you have destroyed the value of thousands of pounds' worth of precious property?" The Professor shrugged his shoulders. "Fot is dat to me?" he inquired, with a curious glance of contempt. "I am not a financier! I am a man of science.

Had this been affected in the earliest Germanic or West-Germanic period, we should have had a pre-German alternation fot: föti; this older ö could not well have resulted in ue. Fortunately we do not need inferential evidence in this case, yet inferential comparative methods, if handled with care, may be exceedingly useful.

O Johnny dear, why did you go, Way down in the meadow fot to mow? Li-tu-di-nan-incty, tu-di-nan-incty, noddy O! O Molly dear, I thought you knowed 'Twas daddy's grass, and it must be mowed, Li-tu-di-nan-incty, tu-di-n an-incty, noddy O! Now all young men a warning take, And don't get bit by a rattlesnake. Li-tu-di-nan-incty, tu-di-nan-incty, noddy O!"

Gervaise in? Col. Wat. Col. G. Yes, sir. Forgot again. Young man; gentleman or cad? don't know; think the latter. Enter THOMAS. Th. Han yo heard speyk ov mo chylt yet, sir? Col. In the name of God, I know nothing of your child; but bring her here, and I will give you a hundred pounds in golden sovereigns. Th. Hea am aw to fot her yere, when I dunnot know wheer hoo be, sir? Col.